Monday, August 31, 2020

The Plague, Day 169....

Pretty nice day. The weather was beyond awesome. Cool with a nice breeze. Nico and I sat outside for a long time.  

I had paperwork I had to get to my financial advisor. JR and I drove in around 11am. On the way there we saw the construction on the tower or steeple of the Stiefel Theatre. Will be awesome when finished. At the new hotel downtown I could not tell if Ya Ya's was open  yet. Will check on FB. Cannot wait to eat there. But I need to remind myself it is Salina and not Wichita.

My Wells Fargo advisor's office is no longer open due to Covid. They will be there is you have an app't. Today I just needed his assistant. So I knocked and she came to the door. Where oh where is a normal life.

I planned to buy some bread or rolls at a local bakery. Dang. Closed today. Will try again. Have an eye appointment on wednesday. I really wanted real bread and not processed bread.

We ate at Big Cheese Pizza. No dine in but it was perfect weather so we ate in the car. The best pizza anywhere!!!

On the way home I stopped by the welding shop to get JS's pay check. I put it in his bank account. I gave him money for my grounds keeper (mower) and he gave it to his father.  I was broke but I used my bank in Salina. JS is so trusting. He knows I am an out of control shopper but trusts me with his check. I always tease him I can go shopping now!!! ¡bromas!

Photos are all old photos I played with. Think I took most of them and edited all of them.


Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Plague, Day 168.....

It was a quiet day. My mood is sad. Too much thinking about family holidays that do not exist anymore. I have thought about Mom all day and last night. Mom never did any holiday like over board spectacular. But nice and homey. For one more day with bbq hamburgers, potato salad, and either ice cream or pumpkin pie. She would make pumpkin pie just for Willie. He liked it. And while she liked Cool Whip, Willie did not. She would always have real whipped cream just for him. Those days are long gone but I still miss them and my parents. 

JR and I ate at Jalisco's. They were pretty busy so chatting was at a minimun. JS did have time to take a photo though!!

Nico and I sat out for a long time. Nice nice weather this evening. Need more days like this.

Sitting on my sofa I looked out the window and there were turkeys!! I counted 8 and one large one that seemed to guard the others. Taking photos through dirty windows was a challenge. I have a ladder I climbed up on and got to a window with no upper screen. Better photos. I need to be more alert. They were fun to see.

Photos are mostly from today. All photos taken by me and edited by me.


Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Plague, Day 167.....

The weather is awesome. Rain overnight and only in the 70s today. If only it could last. It won't though. They forecast all this rain but the you watch the weather and it is only a shower here and a shower there. Why listen. 

I have nothing to blog about today. When I am home and have not seen or talked to anyone what can I say? I just end up whining. No one wants to hear that. In the scheme of things my whining does not matter.

Old photos today. All taken by me and edited by me if edited. Wish that life would return. Doubtful.


Friday, August 28, 2020

The Plague, Day 166.....

Miseraable, miserable weather today. I saw 101F. It was awful outside. Nico really wants to be out in the sun, I cannot tolerate it. Tomorrow maybe depending on the rain.

Went to Jalisco's with JR. JR2 and her friend met us there. We had a great conversation. Got to talking about high school, drugs back then, dirt track racing, drag races. Boy, those were the days, old friends. Willie and 2 of his friends raced at Jehu Raceway. It still exists, last I heard, on someone's farm. Not used since the mid 1960s. Then we raced at the Salina Speedway. And had many friends who raced there. Be fun to have great times like that again. Think my ship has sailed.

Jalisco's was really busy. We got the last place to sit. And the waiters just ran. The manager MA  carried out at least 2 large boxes of take out.

Rain is to start at 5am and last maybe 12 hours. I am trying not to be excited.

Neighbour KP2 came to mow my yard. He gave me a card from the high school were you can get money off or freebies at local eating places. Very cool. And very nice of him.

Just a mix of photos today. Some really old and some new. Will do the old ones first. There is one of me and my grandpup when she was little. Still here and named Princess.


Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Plague, Day 165.....

I really have nothing to say today. Just isolated at home. Got bad news about a cousin last night. Nothing new, just no one told me. Normal but different side of the family. A friend told me he has Covid. Sad and scared for him. He lives out of state. My first instinct was wishing I was nearer to help. Weather is hot and  humid.

I am sad. Guess it does not matter.

Photos are just old photos from my former normal life. Nice to see people without masks.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...