Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 198....

Good day. A little warmer but cooler tomorrow. They say chance of rain this weekend. Ha. Won't happen. Sad. 

Willie always said when the grasshoppers start turning brown they are dying. Brown they are now. Wish they would get brown in the spring. And I have seen 3 dying assassin bugs. Creepy even though they are good to have around.

Last night I went outside and smelled smoke. Strong smell. Not from California. Someone burned in our area. Tonight I saw many local farmers sowing wheat. I miss being part of that process. But life moves on.

I am working hard to be more positive. If I cannot be, I will call my therapist. No one needs to hear my feelings. And if I am in town, I will stop for tea and ice cream or something. Whether I have anyone to be with or not, just being near people helps me be positive.

Tonight JR and I had supper at Jalisco's. My second home! They were sort of busy but there was time to chat with JS. Always good. I am helping him tomorrow.

Photos today are some old, some new. There is one with an artist and me. He is a  from Nigeria. I am friends with his wife also. I miss them and wish there were here again. Photo is from his open house. We had wine!


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 197....

Had a pretty good day. Slept ok later in the night. Nico was a problem early on. It got really cold last night. I saw 39F around 6am. Brrr. Great for sleeping. Now comes a slight warm up.

I spent time on the phone having trouble with my taxes. Very frustrating. I had a retirement account with someone local who retired without sending even an email. Sent my money to someone unknown to me in another state. I called him all day and finally got a return call around supper. Sheesh. What he told me did not match what I remember so who knows. He looked up on my account, he says.

Finally made it to therapy today. First time in a month. Lots to talk about. I had a worksheet we talked about. And we talked about my kids. There were things I believed to be true about several things but after much thought I have changed my mind. They knew exactly what they were doing to me and had it all planned. And they continue to not act as adults. Hard to talk about them but I managed to not cry. I really have no one else to talk to about them.

I treated myself to tea and pumpkin spice homemade ice cream and whipped cream at the White Peacock!! To die for!! I shared a photo of it with JS. Then he wanted some! I brought him vanilla. Kept the AC in the car on high hoping to stop some melting. And it just in time for his break!!

Tried to take a nap but barely slept but nice to rest.

Photos are a mix of old photos. I included my ice cream today. There is one photo of how a birthday is celebrated at Jalisco's.


Monday, September 28, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 196....

Very quiet day but an active night. My mind is a free range mind and likes to roam. I was awake more than I slept. I felt really guilty but I cancelled today for a long nap. I feel better and have quit being shaky inside.

My temperature on my farm was 49F this morning. Awesome. Should have been good sleeping but it was good cuddling.  High today was in the 60s. Now if we could get some rain.....

See that Kansas is back in the states with gaining more virus cases. That is why I go nowhere. I dearly want to go to Wichita to see my great grandsons but I am cautious about going anywhere. Just to see somewhere different. But I trust no one to keep germs at bay. I have friends in Rapid City I really want to visit. Not yet. And family in Denver. No way. I think they are too busy for me anyway.

The oddest thing  yesterday. I saw near my carport what appeared to be a cow patty. BUT. There are no cattle near here. Sooo. What visited me yesterday afteroon. Was not there in the morning. Was not bobcat or mountain lion. I checked. It was not Nico. If it was I would have rushed him to the vet!!!

Hopefully out of the house tomorrow. Missed therapy for 4 weeks. Too long. Decided she is the only one I will tell how I truly feel and how I am doing.

A mix of sort of autumn photos. Most mine.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 195....

I was too exhausted to write a blogg post last night. JR and I went to our college fútbol (soccer) matches. Women tied in 2 overtimes. Men lost 1-4. So glad to go to fútbol again. And I had a new stadium seat that is awesome!!

Weather yesterday was miserable hot. But there was a strong wind. By the end of the night it had cooled off some and felt better. Today was awesome!! Cooled off during the night and today. It is 56F now. And a bit of rain. Sat outside with Nico and it felt really cold. I have turned on the room heater in the living room. Feels awesome!

JR and I ate at Jalisco's for lunch. Good food.

On the way home a flatbed pickup and I both turned at the same corner from opposite directions. I think he turned too fast and a mineral block fell off his bed. Right in front of my car. I never saw it and could not have stopped if I wanted to. I drove right over it. What an awful sound it made. I was so upset. I went home and cried.

BUT. My neighbour and friend called me. Said he had read my blog post and wanted to come over and check my car to make sure all was ok. There was only a guard broken and it was rubbing on my tire. It was really nothing important and cheap plastic. What a relief. Then I almost cried with relief!!

I learned something today about myself. I am way too sensitive. It no longer takes much to really hurt my feelings. Will make changes in my life to prevent such happenings. No one's fault but mine.

Photos are all from today.



Friday, September 25, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 194....

Today was ok but far too hot. In the 90s. Same tomorrow. Then a cold front. Good!!! No more smoke here. No pretty sunsets now. Strong wind out now.

I had bought a stadium seat and remembered to pick it up today. Now to figure out how to put the back on. Maybe see if JR can help.

Picked up meds. Need insulin and will order this weekend.

JR and I ate at Jalisco's. Love my shrimp. Lots of teasing with the help. Always good. I had a friend request from a man in Mexico. We had lots of mutual friends. Asked MA who he is. It is MA's cousin. Not sure why but I have many, many Mexican friends. I read most of what they share, lots of family photos. Our former chef's family have asked to be friends. His sister and I tease about when there is food that I did not get invited. She wrote me that if we were together we would talk and talk and eat and talk. Then go shopping!! My kind of friend!!

Today is a Daughter's Day. I used to have a daughter. She is on her second sabbatical from me. Her first one lasted for 23 years. I got fooled when she returned. Dumb me. If the second sabbatical lasts 23 years I will never see her again. My son is on his first sabbatical from me. Although he did avoid Willie for several years. I sure was an awful mother. 

Photos are all old ones. Me and the Indian is from a long  ago artist who was at the Red Barn. He carved with a chain saw. Gorgeous work. Moon is from tonight. I never get good moon photos. I got several tonight. Other photos are from the White Peacock before redecorating.



003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...