Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 195....

I was too exhausted to write a blogg post last night. JR and I went to our college fútbol (soccer) matches. Women tied in 2 overtimes. Men lost 1-4. So glad to go to fútbol again. And I had a new stadium seat that is awesome!!

Weather yesterday was miserable hot. But there was a strong wind. By the end of the night it had cooled off some and felt better. Today was awesome!! Cooled off during the night and today. It is 56F now. And a bit of rain. Sat outside with Nico and it felt really cold. I have turned on the room heater in the living room. Feels awesome!

JR and I ate at Jalisco's for lunch. Good food.

On the way home a flatbed pickup and I both turned at the same corner from opposite directions. I think he turned too fast and a mineral block fell off his bed. Right in front of my car. I never saw it and could not have stopped if I wanted to. I drove right over it. What an awful sound it made. I was so upset. I went home and cried.

BUT. My neighbour and friend called me. Said he had read my blog post and wanted to come over and check my car to make sure all was ok. There was only a guard broken and it was rubbing on my tire. It was really nothing important and cheap plastic. What a relief. Then I almost cried with relief!!

I learned something today about myself. I am way too sensitive. It no longer takes much to really hurt my feelings. Will make changes in my life to prevent such happenings. No one's fault but mine.

Photos are all from today.



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