Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The Plague, Day 170....

Quiet day. For the moment I have figured out how to sleep at night. Combining a couple of meds and works pretty good.

Gotta love our weather forecasters. We were supposed to get 2-5 inches of rain from sunday through tuesday. We never got a drop and few clouds. Why get our hopes up? We are now 3 inches below normal. Today I heard them say rain in southern Kansas. Nope. Wichita then moved to the east. I would be happier if I just ignored. Chance this coming weekend that will create much whining of those who have family and friends with big plans. I do not care. No family and few friends. One morning maybe in the 50s. I can only dream.

This afternoon I helped AB, my friend from Morocco. I would love to visit there. Gorgeous! And to meet him would be so awesome.

Went to town tonight to give my friend JG his shot. I feel guilty when I hurt him. He is so skinny I am scared of hitting his arm bone.

Photos today are from Sweden. I took none of them. Will explain them.

Slott, family castle from my 16th great grandfather. I have been there twice to tour the garden and art. Cannot go in the castle.

On Marstrand. I always ate breakfast here. The ice cream cone painting is done by my friend Lars Bäckman.

Lots of flowers everywhere in Sweden. The Clown is an ad for G. B. Glass. The best ice cream I have ever had.


Viking ship


Maybe the bridge that goes from Malmö to Copenhagen.

Marstrand. Stayed there for several weeks. Has a fort on the top of the hill. I did not walk up the steep hill to see it. Marstrand is an island with no traffic. Heaven on earth.


Typical Swedish dessert. Mums!

Turning Torso in Malmö. I stood by it but you are not allowed to go in unless you live there. It is amazing to see.

Old city.



Swedish kids.

Long bridge at Bjärred. I have been there. There is a small cafe way out there and a sauna.

Älg --- moose. I never saw an adult one but 5 little ones.

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