Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Plague, Day 172....

Great weather and a good day.

Today was JR's birthday so I took him out to eat. I told him to pick where. There was something he has been craving so we went where we could get it ---- a chocolate shake. It looked really good. I should have stolen it!!

It was also my cousin's fiance's birthday. They live in Sweden. Wish I was there again.

Then we drove through Mentor Kansas. It is a very small town with several abandoned old buildings. I like it there. We took many photos. There are many very nice homes there also. I would not mind living there. Looks nice and I never hear anything bad about it. My photos today are from Mentor.

I ordered a Prayer Flag from Thailand. Now to decide where to hang it. They appeal to me. I have Thai cousins. Maybe they can give me ideas where to hang it.

The weather is still saying cold is coming. I hope.

We got tickets to soccer on saturday. I am excited!!! May be too warm but I will survive.  Many of the women's team are return players from last year. Be good to see them. Not sure about the men's team.


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