Happy Halloween!!!
Living with several chronic diseases and sharing fotos from the internet or taken with my iPhone 15 Pro or Pentax K-7. And writing about life in this day and age.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Friday, October 30, 2020
Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 229......
Little sleep last night so napped all day. Was not restless, just no sleep. Need to up my meds that I do not want to take.
Jay and I went to Jalisco's and got there right after opening. No where for us to sit. Then JS saw a friend of ours, GE. So we sat with her. Had great and fun conversation. It got slow and JS would visit. Then it would get super busy. Lots of large take out orders! We stayed until closing! Surprised someone did not get a broom to sweep us out so they could go home!!
I got home and there was a small possum by my porch. I think he had been on my porch. I left some mail on the floor there that was a tiny bit moved. I love having possums around. They eat ticks. Thousands of them.
Tried to take a photo of the Blue Moon. Not good.
Photos tonight are some Halloween ones that I created, the back of our library getting a cool paint job, some local photos of autumn.
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 228......
Quiet and warmer day. I slept off and on last night.
Early this morning I took Nico out. I saw a head above the tall weeds in the pasture. A deer was watching us! Later I saw a very large bird fly up from my pond. No idea what it was. Maybe a heron. Not a hawk or vulture. I like living out here where you see things not seen in town.
Stayed home all day. Almost drove to town but did not feel like it. Too lazy to get dressed. The longer the quarantine lasts, the less I care. And I sort of feel that no one cares about me either. Part of being alone so often.
Having less pain. Found a small bottle of pain spray. Seems to help. I was looking forward to seeing my doctor in Wichita but am having second thoughts. Almost all the ICU beds are full in Wichita. I do not need to go there. Dang. Maybe she can order a different med that helps with pain. Hard to show her what is wrong on a video. And she can only guess what is wrong with my hips. Just cannot win. Hard when I need help but to get it must put myself in danger.
Idiots are out today. Had to delete from my group on FB people who posted that Covid is a hoax. Just in Wichita with almost all ICU beds full of Covid patients, that is not a hoax. Same over most of the US. Good God no wonder we cannot get ahead of it. We are doomed with people like this preaching false things.
Warmer weather is here and no rain forecast. We got next to zilch the last two days. South of us got more than here. My county is almost 3 inches behind in rain. Other places got more and they needed it.
Today would have been my parent's 79th wedding anniversary. I added a couple of photos of me with them. One is me and Mom in a Glamor Shot. One is a very old Christmas card with my parents. Amazing, I used to be cute! What happened!?
Also have a photo of Nico playing like an ancient Blackjack dealer and edited photos.
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 227......
A bit warmer today. And sunny off and on, But late afternoon it started to rain. What a blessing. Feels so good to be outside in the cool air with falling rain!
Must have slept some last night. The night seemed to be over quickly. The last dream I remember was I was getting married on January 15. There was a man there. Groom? By his clothes I would guess it was 1930s. Very cool!
Took Nico out around 6am and there crossing our driveway were my 3 deer. They stopped to stare and me. I stared back.
JR and I had supper at Jalisco's. They were slow again. Probably the cold and rainy weather. A friend came to sit with JR and me. Good conversation. She is Swedish and an artist. She was setting up a show today. Have to go see her work.
Had someone on my FB group make a comment about how Covid 19 is a plant just like H1N1 was. Oh really? Idiots out there. I deleted it after someone reported it. And the anti maskers are coming out. Our governor is thinking of making masks mandatory in Kansas. Cases are climbing fast. We need to do something. Ireland and France are going in to lock down.
Photos are a mix. There is a favorite one of Willie from our last trip to Vegas. There were 2 show girls on the sidewalk. I could take his photo with them for a small fee. Love it! I miss Vegas. Guess I could go alone. The friends we used to go with probably still go but I would never be included. Photo of shoes that I got in Sweden. Love them.Also Barbara Bush's cookie recipe. Clicked on it by mistake but will leave it. I get hungry reading it!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 226......
Not a stellar day. I was restless all night. Little sleep. Every time I would almost fall asleep, Nico wanted to go out. Very early this morning I wanted to turn over Nico just growled when I asked him to move. I went to the sofa. I finally slept later than usual. I took an extra long nap, not caring if I sleep tonight or not. I usually do not anyway.
I was relieved to see both of my sparrows back under my carport roof. The female changed her spot.
We got very little snow here. Supposed to have record breaking low temps. Ha. Our temp stayed at 26F most of the day and all night. Now there are flood watches but not for here. No rain for us. Not fair. We are so dry. Soon back to normal autumn weather and no rain.
While napping this afternoon I sort of half way woke up. I heard people talking in my house. THAT got my attention. So I did wake up and heard people talking in my house. Somehow Kisse got up on my answering machine and stepped on the playback messages button. ALL my messages played back. What a talented cat!!!
Photos today are more art work from an auction mixed in some of my photos. I truly wish the last photo was my painting to own. Love it! And I love the artist, Jerry Buhari from Nigeria.
Monday, October 26, 2020
Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 225......
In quarantine for 7.5 months. I have no hope of it ending within my lifetime. Just adjust. And not let myself reach out to strangle those too dumb to wear a mask, social distance, and wash their hands.
Home alone today. No motivation to do anything. My bouquet of spoons ran out early. Read about the Spoon Theory.
We had snow but dang little. Lindsborg had more than my farm. Early this morning it was coming down so prettily. Should have taken a photo. It did stay very cold. Saw 21F during the night. Now it is 26F. They say we might break records tonight. We are forecast in the teens. I have my water dripping. No real wind though.
I just video chatted with JS. I was curious about the roads. Said they are ok. I teased him yesterday that there would be 3 inches of ice.. I thought he knew I was joking!!
Tonight both of my birds are back. The female changed her bed. maybe she was here last night. I like them.
Took Nico out after our nap. There were huge dog foot prints on the cement. Looked at one of my cameras. There was a large dark red brown dog in my yard. Probably from the welding shop north of me. JS described it to me. Did not bother anything.
Photos today are all of art from an auction.. Except the tree with geese. It was in town years ago. And the one of me and a dear friend!
003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments
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