Monday, October 26, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 225......

 In quarantine for 7.5 months. I have no hope of it ending within my lifetime. Just adjust. And not let myself reach out to strangle those too dumb to wear a mask, social distance, and wash their hands.

Home alone today. No motivation to do anything. My bouquet of spoons ran out early. Read about the Spoon Theory.

We had snow but dang little. Lindsborg had more than my farm. Early this morning it was coming down so prettily. Should have taken a photo. It did stay very cold. Saw 21F during the night. Now it is 26F. They say we might break records tonight. We are forecast in the teens. I have my water dripping. No real wind though.

I just video chatted with JS. I was curious about the roads. Said they are ok. I teased him yesterday that there would be 3 inches of ice.. I thought he knew I was joking!!

Tonight both of my birds are back. The female changed her bed. maybe she was here last night.  I like them.

Took Nico out after our nap. There were huge dog foot prints on the cement. Looked at one of my cameras. There was a large dark red brown dog in my yard. Probably from the welding shop north of me.  JS described it to me. Did not bother anything.

Photos today are all of art from an auction.. Except the tree with geese. It was in town years ago. And the one of me and a dear friend!


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