Sunday, October 25, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 224......

 Good but cold day!! A bit warmer than last night but stayed cold all day. No snow here yet. Wichita and KC have some snow. It misted here this noon.

JR and I had lunch at Jalisco. They were so quiet. Maybe the cold kept people home. We do have a new restaurant but it was not open when we got to town.

I took different meds at bedtime last  night. I took my anxiety pill, Tylenol, and pain cream. I actually  had a pain free night.  What a surprise. I can only take one anxiety pill a day. So I am trying a half pill twice a day. A little pain but better than usual. I can live with it. At least I walked more normal. I was ready to get my dad's walker to use. 

I have 2 sparrows who sit each night under my carport roof. Only one is there tonight. Did the female leave? I hope she is ok. Too cold for them here. I will miss them when they are gone. No deer have been here in two days. Or I have not seen them. Do see a skunk often. Do not want it here. I yelled at it last ngiht.  She left then.

Photos are ones I took today.

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