Saturday, October 24, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 223......

 Quiet day. Slept off and on last night. Then early this morning I got so restless. No idea why. Partly because it is hard to find a comfortable position to lay in. Gave up the bed for the sofa. Then I saw a live video from JS at work. For whatever reason, took my mind off whatever was making me restless and after a while I fell asleep again.

Nico was been a pest today. In to everything. I lost count how many times I had to get up. And then tonight he thinks we should eat people food on HIS time schedule. Ha. Then he tried to make me move out of my corner on the sofa. I held my ground tonight. He gave up. Finally! Maybe the change in the weather is the problem. Kisse was weird also.

In a group I run with a friend, someone decided to post their opinion about Covid. Said everything we read is a hoax. They had a couple of graphs to "prove" her point. Well, those graphs were made by her who is just someone off the street. Proves nothing. I believe those who are educated and work in a job about what is going on. Deleted. Waiting for the fall out. I won't tolerate any. People have been banned for being mean to others.

Cold today. Last night I saw 32F. We were supposed to have sun this afternoon and 50F. Not here. Stayed cloudy and in the 30s. Possible drizzle tomorrow then snow and extremely cold.

Photos today are a mix. The Mexican food and margarita are from Jalisco Restaurant in Salina. I always ate supper there after my Spanish class. The wait was worth it. They are not part of my Jalisco's in Lindsborg. Although many of the Mexican restaurants in this area are owned/run by people from Jalisco Mexico.

I added some snowy photos that I did not take except the foggy one of a hill. We are in the 3-5" area of snow forecast. Time will tell. And I added a Halloween picture for fun.


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