Friday, October 23, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 222......

 Really cold day. Got down to 39 with winds. High today in the mid 40s. Tonight might be around 30 Brrr. Blankets sure feel good!! 

JR and I went to supper at Jalisco's. Good to see all. MA and I had time for a long chat. That is rare. JS went home early. I had bought masks for him. So I did not make him pay and then I never gave him a tip. Even.

Just before we left JS's landlord and co-worker and his wife came in. Nice to see them. Good visit. He grew up next door to us. I worked for her parents at AW Rootbeer when I was in high school.

Photos are some from a trip to Marion KS and some are local.


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