Monday, October 12, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 210....

 I will not write much.   Have not felt well today. I ache all over, my eyes feel funny, my throat did hurt a bit but now ok. Will stay home in case it is contagious. Tonight is better. My vital signs are good but my blood sugars are a mess. Happens when you are sick.

I am supposed to go to Hutchinson tomorrow to see my diabetic doctor. They said to call before coming to see if it is a face to face appointment or a video one. I changed it to a video appointment. Do not feel like driving and certainly do not want to be a large clinic.

Wednesday is iffy. Hope I perk up by then.

The cold front finally got here. Very strong winds during the night. Something large blew into my yard. Not seen any branches down. Nice weather today. Great for sleeping when it is cool.

Photos are just a mishmash. Nothing special.


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