Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 204....

Nice busy day. I slept well and thought my alarm was set correctly. Ha. I got up an hour late! But it was ok.

Cousins were in Wichita this weekend and stopped in Lindsborg for brunch on their way home to Denver. We met at the White Peacock. ND2 and I had Swedish pancakes. Very yummy. I have not made them for ages. Need to as they are my faves. We had a nice visit. I miss them and I need to get brave and go to Denver.

JR helped me after brunch. I was not able to go into Dollar General so he bought me a few groceries. And he kept the cold things in his house while I had therapy.

Therapy went well. But thinking of all the things I wanted and hoped for is painful. And all the bad things I have dealt with. I read a post about closing the door on the past and moving on. I try. Difficult. I need to make peace with the past and keep all of that and them in the past. It is hard to only have my therapist to talk to.

Took a short nap. Mind too busy.

Outside I heard a bird that Willie said was a rain crow. No idea what it really is, but I know the sound. It is supposed to forecast rain. I am sure he is confused!!

Photos are Road Trip, Part 2

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