Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 205....

 Was summer again today. I saw 93F. Ick. Only 5 more days until it cools off. Great!!

I got sick during the night. Dang diabetes. It is scary living alone when one can hardly walk to the kitchen for food. Oh well. Such is life. Guess if it was bad enough I could call 911 for help.

I got in a bad mood last night. I slept over 12 hours. Maybe I needed to.

JR and I had supper at Jalisco's. They were pretty busy. Fun to see everyone there. Today I saw they had their Halloween decorations up. They were made several years ago by the staff. Fun!! The only Halloween I get. And I hate to be here on that night.

Had an interesting photo day. When I was leaving the house today, I looked by the gate to my pasture. And there was a mother deer and 2 babies. They were watching me in my car. I got my phone and took several photos. So fun to see.

On leaving Lindsborg there was smoke from somewhere --- a field or Colorado? But the sunset was impressive. More photos.


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