Thursday, October 8, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 206....

 I did not sleep until 7am. Makes for a great night. But I was sick last night so probably ok. I did have a couple of friends who have been ill also. I had many of the same symptoms. And combined with my flu shot which did not help. But I ate lunch today without problems. Maybe I am better. Just had supper. See how that sits. 

This site has now done a remake. I hate it. Cannot find what I want. Why do sites do this? It was fine. Now I am frustrated.

I have 2 little sparrows who each have a corner under my carport every night. The female had been doing it for a couple of years. Or birds from the same family. Today when I went out with Nico, they were both still under the roof but sitting next to each other. They looked at me and did not care. Sort of a sweet moment. Wonder when they will head south? 

I live in the Smoky Valley. When you get up on top of one of our hills and  look down the air is a blue haze. This morning across the road from my farm the wheat field had a blue haze. We have smoke here again. They say our air quality is not good

I cancelled my errands for today. Too tired and too scared of getting sick in the car. Not sure about tomorrow. Maybe supper out. See how I feel over night.

Photos today are of Chester, Nebraska. Oh, the memories I have from there. When Willie was a trucker we ate in Chester at Foote Cafe often. Good home cooking. It was a truck stop. Then they rerouted the highway and it sure hurt all the little towns. Foote is still open and I would love to go back to eat there. Oh, I miss those days on the open road with Willie. And the 2 other drivers. We had lots of laughs. Life was good then.

Also photos of a church and and old school in Chester. It said Art School but we could not find any info on that.

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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