Monday, November 16, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 246....

 Nice weather day. No wind. Warm but not hot. 

I think I am understanding my RA better. A minimal pain in one hip I can understand. My spine curves. But severe pain in both hips is different. I now know I have been having a big flare up of RA. Last weekend the major pain stopped. Just like that. Just as it started. Hope it lasts. I found a nurse that sells  essential oils in mixtures for different things. I am using hers for bursitis. People with RA get that often in their hips. Maybe it is helping.

When I was diagnosed with RA and with diabetes, no one sat me down and gave me a clue of what to expect, what can happen. Being a nurse, I knew a lot about diabetes, but nothing about RA. Joined a group. It is a god send.

Christmas lights in town are up early. I like to look at them. Wish I had lights out here.  We had a large star on our house and our son always hung it. Several years ago I asked him to hang it again and he looked at me and said "No. I have my own family and my own home. Find someone else to hang it". I quickly knew he would never be of help to me. I can promise you if my mom asked for a star on her house, I would have made sure she got one. And I would have never ever hurt her like he did me. No lights here. And no decorations in the house. The fur kids would destroy them!! I had a tree in my bedroom. For a while Kisse ignored it. But. That did not last. It is long gone!! Dang. It was nice to go to bed with the soft lights on. Should hang some up high.

JR and I ate out tonight. He was going to help me carry trash out. But I was just too tired. Pain is gone but the RA fatigue is worse. But sleeping better.

Photos are taken tonight. I had others but will save for another day.

Sorry for all my whining about my health. At least here when someone or all of you roll your eyes, I do not have to see it. Just ignore and go to the photos directly. I will try to be quiet more often.


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