Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 261....

 Had sort of a tough night. Too many memories. Too many tears. Willie died 2 years ago today. No sleep. Slept this morning.

I wasn't planning to blog about  Willie. But then I thought that he is part of me and this is my blog. So I did. I posted some photos on FB. I got many more comments than I thought I would.  I generally feel alone with no one and I am not. Though many of those who are there for me are not near. I am ok today.

Took my car to Assaria to have the oil changed. The last 2 times I was there not one person had a mask on. Not one. Today the 2 workers did and all who came in did except 2 older men and one young man. Fear can work wonders sometimes.

I really did not want to eat at home alone tonight so I called JR. We ate in the car in front of Jalisco's. Good to chat with MA. And my friend JR2 stopped at the car to say hi.

Not bad weather today. In the 50s and no wind. Tomorrow has snow forecast. I can dream. My camera is ready!!

Photos are a mix of winter/Christmas stuff.


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