Saturday, February 13, 2021

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 334....

 Another quiet day. Bitter cold and sun. It was 0 all night. Balmy high of 15 F. No snow but it is west of here. House is warm.

Read a report on CNN that the extra cold and heavy snows are part of our changing climate. Started in the NE . Now we are part of it. This is not a one time event. Have to adapt. I shared on FB but I do not think many read it.

Texted with JR during the night and today. Helps me.

Hard to come up with things to write about when it is just me here. I can hope to video chat later. See if I get lucky. Probably not.

I hope I can get to town on Tuesday. Depends on the roads. Time will tell. Will need food by then. So far ok. Only thing I need is some milk. I will do without.

Had a surprise. The mailman delivered 2 very heavy boxes. I finally drug them in. PEPSI!!! Not had Pepsi for 2 days. I will survive!

Photos today are things I have edited.

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