Friday, February 12, 2021

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 333....

 Really quiet day. My nephew was here. Had a short visit. He said if I need anything to let him know. I said that Big Cheese Pizza would be perfect. He almost fell for it! Best pizza ever.

Last night our low temp was -1 F. The high temp today was 6 F. Now at 5 pm it is 4 F. Brr. So far I still have water. All faucets I have are dripping.

JS and I video chatted. I think he needed some to talk to. So did l. Any real human contact helps me.

I am still ignoring much of FB. Luckily I belong to many groups no one else I know follows -- Art Deco, early 1900's, film noir, history, and Hygge. Generally no one is rude on those pages. And I love all the photos. I avoid politics.

Fur kids have been ok. Did run and chase a bit. Sometimes Kitty backs Nico in a corner or by my legs. Oh, the look on her face! She will attack but does not hurt Nico.

Photos today are some black and white photos.

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