Monday, April 19, 2021

Surviving the Pandemic, Day 398....

Uneventful day. Very quiet. I had an appointment that I rescheduled. I go when I am up to going.

Weather was ok. Temp in the 50s. Mostly sunny until late afternoon. Wind came up also. Our forecast is for 3 inches of snow starting tonight. I am excited but in the minority. A shame we cannot have a normal winter.

Our yard has many rabbits. They lay under the car and drive Nico crazy! Had a large one who finally moved but did not run away. Fun to see up close.

I had a sweet surprise today. A good friend from Morocco video chatted with me. Nice to visit. I wish we could meet in person.

When I wrote the first part of this blogg it was 50F. I just looked. We are down to 36F. Brrr.

 Always be kind. Wear a mask.

Photos today are photos from the past. I have photos from 5 years ago of my last dog. I cannot bare to look at them. He did not live long. I still grieve.

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