Friday, June 4, 2021

Wandering Through Life

    Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations.

    Had a good day. No clouds and a slight breeze. But the temp was 89F. Ick.

    I noticed on the way to town that the wheat is starting to turn golden. Harvest is coming. Part of me misses the excitement but now I am too old and tired. My husband was too old especially with his dementia. I used to cook for up to 13 people. How did I do it? I loved when my son and his crew were here. Now, no harvest, no husband, and no kids. Life changes.

    JR and I ate at Jalisco's. Quiet there tonight. That was ok for me. Got to talk and laugh with help.

    Both of my little birds have returned to roost at night under my car port. The female is like me. She is the first one to come to roost and the last to leave in the morning.

    I have no photos yet. I found some harvest photos from 2018. The last harvest for both my husband and for me. We had no idea. I really fought tears looking at these.


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