Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 31 august 2021

    Another home alone day.  But with little sleep last night that was ok.  Feel better tonight.    

    Was around 90F today.  And windy. Same tomorrow then a cool down.  Finally!!! Glad to say goodbye to August.  Awful month.  Used to be fun as we took trip somewhere.  Those days are over for me.  No or few trips anywhere.  I do have at least one road trip planned when it cools off.  Will be fun.  I need a break from here big time.  I will go alone.

    Been seeing quite a few butterflies.  Pretty.  Wish there were more.  And wrens.

    It amazes me that the Delta virus is all around us and growing day by day.  Many schools are now ordering masks when inside. But in my town you rarely see a mask on anyone.  When my brother and I eat out we sometimes are the only ones who come in with a mask on.  The waitstaff wear masks.  But customers rarely if ever.  I will never understand that.

    Photos today are sunflowers mostly.


Monday, August 30, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 30 august 2021

    The cool weather is gone.  I saw 90F. Tonight little breeze.  Tried to sit out with Nico but there were little bugs that kept bothering me so inside we went.

    I had a lunch date with a friend but their plans changed.  No biggie.  And since I had my makeup on and clothes on I decided to head there for supper.  And I had a screen protector ordered for my new phone and JS was going to put it on.  Another reason to go eat out.  New protector is on.  The one cook came out to sit with me for a few minutes.  I like him.  When he was back in Mexico he used too call me here.  No idea why.  There was a lady there who spoke good English who helped us talk.  Then he moved and the calls stopped.  Maybe he used her phone also.  No idea.

    On the way home I stopped at Coronado Heights.  There is a group that go up there once a week to hike, run, exercise, etc.  When I left, the road had cars going both directions and people all over running or walking.  That was a new experience. 

    I stopped in the cemetery to say “hello” to Willie. God, I miss him.  We were together for close to 60 years if you count our dating.  Life just sucks.  I had other people to say “hello” to also.

    All the photos are taken this afternoon. Lots of sunflowers.  LOve them.  Even a few in my yard.


Sunday, August 29, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 29 august 2021

    Today was a much better day.   Even though not any of my issues are better.  Pretty sure they never will be.  I must learn to deal without being upset.  Changes nothing.   

    I awoke to thunder and rain.  And very cool weather.  What a blessing!!  It rained until maybe 2pm.  The house was cool so Nico and I took a nap with an extra blanket.  Perfect.

    Had lunch at Jalisco’s with my brother.  JS, NM, and MA were extra fun and friendly.  I have no idea why they like me but little did they know I really needed some attention today.  Good to laugh. One joked, one had a cool video to share, and I almost got one to get on the bar to dance!!!  I had my camera ready!!

     JR and I were watching the hurricane live, but from different guys.  I would be so far gone at the first hint of a hurricane if I lived there.  No bravery here.  The guy I follow is always driving into tornadoes and such.  And he always has his tiny dog with him!!  I think I would like him but he is not from around here.  No chance of ever meeting him.

    Just checked my rain gauge. I got 2.5 inches.  Very nice.  Sat out for a while to enjoy the cool temps.  Not going to last.  Of course not.

    I actually had someone complain about what I posted the other day on MY FB page.  Just scroll on by.  No one’s business.  I have never told anyone to post something different.  If I find it too offensive I simply hide it so I do not see it a second or third time.  People are odd.  

    Photos are summer flowers.  I had trouble getting them to show up the last 2 days.  No idea why.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 28 august 2021

    Yesterday was such a good day, but after going to bed my stupid mind got too busy.  Very frustrating.  I finally sat up and wrote for a couple of hours.  I no longer have anyone to call and talk to.  No therapist.  And why would anyone care.  Everyone has their own life and friends.  Writing helped a lot. Still no sleep.  And I found a day with little pain turned into a night of hurting everywhere.  I have no pain meds.  No one offers and I do not ask.

    Got a nice nap this afternoon.  Nico and I slept like babies.  Needed it.  

    Forced myself to sit outside just for Nico.  Wind helped but far too warm.  Not 100F today.  Cooler tomorrow and a slight chance of rain.  Given up.  Don’t care.

    Photos today are from a road trip to Cheyenne Bottoms.  Need more road trips.  Hard with Nico.  No Willie to watch him.  Need to board him more often for my sanity.  He could go with but we would have to eat in the car.


Friday, August 27, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 27 august 2021

    Very windy today but less humid.  Saw 100F in my car.  No chance of rain anywhere near me.  As usual.  Tomorrow???

    I went to the Red Barn to say goodbye to my artist friend.  Oh, I will miss him.  He is a rare person who understands me and how I feel and what I have been through.  Will keep in touch.  There was a man in visiting him from Concordia.  Really nice.  Fun to talk with people who like art and stuff.

    Had supper with my brother.  Great food.  The staff were ornery too.  Fun to laugh.

    Watching Rachel Maddow.  How sad it is that almost her entire show was about farm animal wormer medication, those who are pushing it, those who are selling it, and those who take it but refuse vaccination or masks.  We are a very stupid country.  I cannot imagine anyone convincing me to take cattle medicine.  How stupid do you have to be??

    I noticed a huge number of barn swallows or field swallows in my pasture on the electricity wires.  Are they planning to leave here already?  For whatever reason I have no barn swallows near my house.  We used to.  Miss them.  Not been close enough to tell which kind they are in the pasture.

    There was soccer tonight. I never considered to go.  I simply will not sit out in the heat.  Wish it would cool off so I can go enjoy my teams playing.

    Photos are all taken at the Red Barn today.


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 26 august 2021

     Had an OK day.  Slept well.  

    Very hot again —— 100F.  Less wind and less humidity.  Same tomorrow.  Will it never end??

    Today is the National Dog Day.  Nico got to celebrate by getting his nails clipped.  Then we went through the car wash.  A first for him.  He did not like the guy spraying the car and walking around us.  Being protective.  And he got a special treat for supper.  Then we sat outside for a long time.  Not too warm and he could stretch out and doze.

    A day home alone for me.  Did not get so depressed.  Probably since I was busy.  Good.

    So sad that a man in a neighboring town needed to be in ICU but died since there were no rooms available.  He did not have Covid.  Extremely sad.  Especially since this could have been avoided if people actually believed educated people and not those who tell us to take animal medication.  I have no words.  My heart breaks for him and his family.

    My great grandson had a run in with a swing last night.  Got hit on his head twice.  Made a trip to the ER but is ok today.  Back to laughing and playing this afternoon.  Good to see!!  He always has a big smile on his face.  Looks so much like his dad!

    Photos are ones I have colored in an online coloring book app.  It relaxes me.  Something different than flowers.    

003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...