Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 10 august, 2021

        Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations. The Delta Variant is starting to grow here fast. My mask is back on.

        Weather here at the Saraha Desert West hot and humid. We are in a drought again and need rain. Some rain near us but nothing here. Maybe 5 drops here.

        Good day today. I had an eye exam today to check for damage from a RA med. All is ok just need to use drops 4x a day. That is doable. Then tonight had a board meeting of our historical group. I am on the board as secretary. Then there is a program afterwards. I refuse to stay. Too small a space. Too many people I have no clue who they are, no masks, no idea if anyone is vaccinated. Nope. I leave. Took myself out to Jalisco's for supper. They were medium busy. Good to see every one.

        I read an interesting post on FB about thinking about your life differently. Instead of me taking notes at a board meeting I could write "I attended an ancient tribal meeting and I was the official note taker." So you may see me posting weird things. Change is good!!

         My last intention on the New Moon said something about getting out of my rut ----- get out, go places, travel, go alone or with others, do new stuff. So I am going to try. I ate alone tonight. I used to all the time and now I rarely do. Actually I ate alone this noon in Salina. I am gaining!

        Photos are mostly summer flowers.


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