Thursday, September 2, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 2 September 2012

    A busy busy day.  Had trouble sleeping so I finally took a pill.  Tuesday night it did nothing.  Last night I slept very well.

    I was up fairly early and I took Nico to the vet hospital.  He has some meds and tests to get and I have a ton of stuff to do and just cannot leave him home alone too many hours.  He did not even seem upset.  Is he tired of me???  Like the pretty girl???  Dang.  But when I get him he will be all cuddly.  I brought his “baby” with him so he does not get lonesome.  I threaten them if the baby gets lost!!

    Then I picked up my brother and we took off to Abilene.  Big Boy, a huge steam engine has been touring and towards the end of her tour she comes from KC to Abilene and Salina.  Then further west and home.  She is just breath taking to see!  Two years ago we went to Salina but it is too crowded, no where to park, and just a pain.  Decided to try to catch it somewhere else.  I know Abilene pretty well and knew of several places we could park.  Got there early and found a parking place right next to the tracks in a parking lot. Cool.  It stopped east of us but no problem.  When it finally went by us slowly  I was standing very close.  When the whistle blows my feet vibrated all the way to the top of my head.  My ears will ring all night!!  It was raining then but I did not care.  Got some photos.  Have to play with them but will post some from today.

    Ended the day in Salina and looked at a huge mural being painted on a grain elevator. Pretty awesome!!!

    Then Big Cheese Pizza for supper.  A perfect day.


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