Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Wandering, 30 november 2021

     A day home alone.  It was ok.  I was awake until 7am.  Not restless or anything.  Just no sleep.

    A couple of months ago I had fluid on one ear.  No idea why.  But it made me have pain but also bad dizzy spells.  They did not last long but I felt I was dangerously drunk!  Usually happened getting in or out of bed.  Now I have an earache like before.  So far no dizzyness.  I use a lot of essential oils for many different reasons.  Using some to stop the pain and dozens of other reasons.  Better than chemicals.  Probably no work tomorrow and supper is a maybe.

    Nice weather today.  Cooler but little wind.  I finally have my house feeling good.  The weather has not changed much temperature wise.  Today I was chilly so I turned on the room heater in my living room.  Feeling good.

    Sure now that I do not feel good I get a lunch invite.  Dang.  Will meet another day.

    Will do my Spanish lesson next.  This one ---- so far ---- is pretty easy.  It is on schedules.  Hope there is NO times anywhere in it.  Too confusing!!

    Photos today are some older black & white ones.  The last photo is a fantasy of the life I wish I was part of.  I am an idiot to want what I cannot have.


Monday, November 29, 2021

Wandering, 29 november 2021

    Home alone today.  Had a little trouble sleeping last night.  Does not matter when I am just at home.  I did not have much pain today.

    Tomorrow is trash day.  My favorite day then is today --- the day before.  Had to gather all the trash I had put in bags.  Then haul it outside.  I only carry them or throw them off my porch. Then carry later.  Nico was outside what I was working.  I sat on my rocking bench sometimes also.  Great weather.

    Local weather said that Salina broke a record today by getting a high of 75F.  No weather app of mine said that we got that warm.  Another interesting fact is that Salina has not had rain in 33 days.  Longest stretch in Kansas.  We are blessed.  Not!  Looks awful when someone is working out in a field.

    Still sorting photos.  Like I know what I am doing!  Ha!!  I post a couple of photos everyday.  I have a list of what I am supposed to post each day.  And the second photo is something about the month we are in.  I do pretty good.  Not forgotten too many days.

    Thought about my pain last night.  I try not to make an issue of it.  The worst is having to stand a bit before walking.  Helps my knee.  I don't think anyone understands.  At least very few that I know.  My RA causes fatigue.  And when you never get a pain free day, that makes it worse.  My nap every day is a nice pain free, stress free time.  Having chronic conditions is difficult.  I have 3.  They are not going to improve.  They are not going away.  It wears on one.  I do what I need to feel better whether anyone understands or even cares.

    Photos today are old ones.


Sunday, November 28, 2021

Wandering, 28 november 2021

    It got chilly last night.  I saw 28F on my porch.  Today was in the 50s.  Out with Nico at one time and saw the moon rising during the night.  It was just gorgeous.  No camera and too many trees for a photo!  Just now I took Nico out.  It is dark and the sunset is about over but the sky is beautiful colors of pink.

    Yesterday in the morning the prairie grasses were slowly swaying the breeze.  Near my pond I saw a large bird flying just over the top of the grasses.  I cannot see well enough to know what it was but I suspect a heron.  We see one or two near that pond sometimes.  A lovely way to start my day.

    Today JR and I lunched at Jalisco's.  We sat at a table because we had two friends joining us.  Sadly, they never made it.  But we had a great view of people who ate in there.  It was packed today.  Holds maybe 60 people, but more with all the ones that come and go.  Out of all the people that came and went, only 4 wore masks.  Six if you count my brother and me.  Too many here think you do not need to vaccinate or wear a mask or distance from others.  Even if you have all your shots you should mask.  You can be well but carry Covid.  Then you can give it to someone who has health issues and they can die.  One needs to care for others.  And now there is a new variant.  It sounds scary.  Sad.

    Started gathering trash around the house last night.  This week is the trash collection.  I worry about taking trash out early.  The new bins blow over so easy.  And no way to latch the lids.  My nephew has picked them up twice in the last week.

    Nice weather this week.  Next week is different.

    Photos are a mix of old ones.  The first one is Jalisco's before the crowd came today.  Last are my Fur Kids.


Saturday, November 27, 2021

Wandering, 27 november 2021

    Just a day at home.  I was lazy.  Gorgeous weather today.  I like when it is sort of warm and no hurricane winds and few bugs.  I enjoyed it.  Nico and I sat outside for a while.  Until I felt chilly.  Nico loved it.  I need to put a longer leash on him. But he explored what he could.

    MM, my grandson texted me last night about going to lunch today.  But his middle baby got sick.  We will meet another time.  The oldest baby was sick a couple of days ago.  And MM fell a couple of days ago and hurt his knee.  Not his best week!

    Flies have now invaded the house.  Kisse has fun chasing them and trying to catch a couple.  The other day I either came home or when I got up and I had no TV.  She steps on the power strip and turns it off.  Irritating.  But she is sure her cuteness will make it all ok!

    Last night I reorganized many photos on my phone.  Too many photos!!!  But I rearranged them and deleted many.

    I have a couple of apps you can download photos from and they are free.  One is Pixabay & the other is Unsplash.  And if you save recipes I found the best app. called RecipeKeeper.  Automatically loads & you can change for how many people it serves.  I have not tried that though.  I like it.  Now if I just liked to cook!!

    Photos today are mostly mine from the past.  Except the one with the black cat & the lavender ones.  I just liked them!


Friday, November 26, 2021

Wandering, 26 november 2021

    Another nice day.  Windy once in a while but ended nice and calm.  See what tomorrow brings.  No rain, of course.  A couple a weather apps show extremely cold in a week and a half.  Maybe.  

    Sleep always eludes me at night.  Seems easier during the day.  No idea why.

    JR & I ate at Jalisco's.  On the way there we saw a horse and carriage giving rides.  That would be fun!  After we ate the owner came in to the restaurant.  He had a Mexican family in the carriage and later found they had dropped a phone.  He had questions about the safety center.  I got a couple of photos of him.

    They were busy which is good.  One of the guys from the back came out and said there were lots of people and dishes to do.  I told him it was good to see him.  He could not understand.  But when I said "Que bueno verte" all was good.  His answer was "mucho gusto!"

    I finally passed my Babbel lesson that I had tried for days to get right!! Sheesh.  I am now learning Schedules.  I am scared there is going to be time on the clock questions.  Not easy.  I never got it in Swedish either.  Too confusing.

    An online friend paid me the nicest compliment.  She said she thought of me as her little sister.  I never had a sister.  And she was proud of me improving during last year, a challenging year.  Two days in a row.  Not used to people complimenting me.  Very nice.  I truly like her.  And we both are red heads!!

    Photos are old ones and current ones.


Thursday, November 25, 2021

Wandering, 25 november 2021

    I survived the holiday.  Lots of good moments.  But sleep was not good thanks to Nico.  He was under the covers and on top the covers, then on the floor, then outside, and up for a treat.  And worse yet he barked at something outside.  He was just so ferocious.  No idea what it was.  We went out and I saw nothing.

    JS and I talked last night.  He offered to wash my car inside and out.  I chose to wait until another day.  He deserves a day to do nothing also.  He is far too nice to me.

    I picked JR up at 2pm.  We headed to Salina.  I decided to eat out but we chose mid afternoon thinking there might not be a huge crowd.  We were right.  Good food there.  Relaxing.

    A guy came in and sat behind me.  As he walked by he smiled and said hi and then told me he liked my hair and I was pretty.  I am not used to that but I could easily adapt!!  When he got up to leave I thanked him for being a trucker.  I have a soft spot in my heart for truckers.  My husband drove for over 20 years and my son is an over the road trucker.  Or he was the last time he talked to me.  This nice man and I had a wonderful visit.  He has driven for 30 years.  And he told me his father was from Mexico.  Explains his compliments.  Rarely does anyone local ever compliment me.  Although one of the men who worked in the hospital would compliment me.  He was administration and I was a lowly key punch operator.  He was nice.  I hate when you meet someone you could be good friends with and it is only for a moment.  But he has a huge family and surely would never need anyone like me.  But he did make my day.

    After eating JR and I drove around town.  There is a huge mural on a grain elevator that is now completed so we got photos of it.  And a cool old building across the street.  Then a drive around "the hill" where the rich live.  Fun to look at the homes.  I drove by one where a lady I took care of as a nurse.  No one I worked with wanted anything to do with her.  Caring nurses that they were.  I loved her.  We had things in common and had good talks.  For all her money her life had been very difficult.  Her husband was also really nice.  If I was out eating and he was there, he always came over to say hi.  Nice people.

    I had good memories.  Even as being a nurse.  Not a happy time.  But I loved my patients and their families and some of the doctors.  Memories of going with Mom and Dad driving to look at Christmas lights "on the hill".  Memories of the community Thanksgiving dinner that is now not done.  Hard for those of us with no family or friends to spend the day with.  But we survive.

    I worried about Covid but since our county is worse than the county to the north, we went north.  I found it odd that every single waiter/waitress all had masks on but down around their chins.  Odd.  And worthless.

    Nico is finally done taking meds for his sore toe. At last.  His foot is no longer swollen or sore.  Very good. 

    Photos were taken yesterday or today.  Hope all had a great day with their family and friends.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...