I survived the holiday. Lots of good moments. But sleep was not good thanks to Nico. He was under the covers and on top the covers, then on the floor, then outside, and up for a treat. And worse yet he barked at something outside. He was just so ferocious. No idea what it was. We went out and I saw nothing.
JS and I talked last night. He offered to wash my car inside and out. I chose to wait until another day. He deserves a day to do nothing also. He is far too nice to me.
I picked JR up at 2pm. We headed to Salina. I decided to eat out but we chose mid afternoon thinking there might not be a huge crowd. We were right. Good food there. Relaxing.
A guy came in and sat behind me. As he walked by he smiled and said hi and then told me he liked my hair and I was pretty. I am not used to that but I could easily adapt!! When he got up to leave I thanked him for being a trucker. I have a soft spot in my heart for truckers. My husband drove for over 20 years and my son is an over the road trucker. Or he was the last time he talked to me. This nice man and I had a wonderful visit. He has driven for 30 years. And he told me his father was from Mexico. Explains his compliments. Rarely does anyone local ever compliment me. Although one of the men who worked in the hospital would compliment me. He was administration and I was a lowly key punch operator. He was nice. I hate when you meet someone you could be good friends with and it is only for a moment. But he has a huge family and surely would never need anyone like me. But he did make my day.
After eating JR and I drove around town. There is a huge mural on a grain elevator that is now completed so we got photos of it. And a cool old building across the street. Then a drive around "the hill" where the rich live. Fun to look at the homes. I drove by one where a lady I took care of as a nurse. No one I worked with wanted anything to do with her. Caring nurses that they were. I loved her. We had things in common and had good talks. For all her money her life had been very difficult. Her husband was also really nice. If I was out eating and he was there, he always came over to say hi. Nice people.
I had good memories. Even as being a nurse. Not a happy time. But I loved my patients and their families and some of the doctors. Memories of going with Mom and Dad driving to look at Christmas lights "on the hill". Memories of the community Thanksgiving dinner that is now not done. Hard for those of us with no family or friends to spend the day with. But we survive.
I worried about Covid but since our county is worse than the county to the north, we went north. I found it odd that every single waiter/waitress all had masks on but down around their chins. Odd. And worthless.
Nico is finally done taking meds for his sore toe. At last. His foot is no longer swollen or sore. Very good.
Photos were taken yesterday or today. Hope all had a great day with their family and friends.