Friday, November 26, 2021

Wandering, 26 november 2021

    Another nice day.  Windy once in a while but ended nice and calm.  See what tomorrow brings.  No rain, of course.  A couple a weather apps show extremely cold in a week and a half.  Maybe.  

    Sleep always eludes me at night.  Seems easier during the day.  No idea why.

    JR & I ate at Jalisco's.  On the way there we saw a horse and carriage giving rides.  That would be fun!  After we ate the owner came in to the restaurant.  He had a Mexican family in the carriage and later found they had dropped a phone.  He had questions about the safety center.  I got a couple of photos of him.

    They were busy which is good.  One of the guys from the back came out and said there were lots of people and dishes to do.  I told him it was good to see him.  He could not understand.  But when I said "Que bueno verte" all was good.  His answer was "mucho gusto!"

    I finally passed my Babbel lesson that I had tried for days to get right!! Sheesh.  I am now learning Schedules.  I am scared there is going to be time on the clock questions.  Not easy.  I never got it in Swedish either.  Too confusing.

    An online friend paid me the nicest compliment.  She said she thought of me as her little sister.  I never had a sister.  And she was proud of me improving during last year, a challenging year.  Two days in a row.  Not used to people complimenting me.  Very nice.  I truly like her.  And we both are red heads!!

    Photos are old ones and current ones.


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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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