Monday, December 27, 2021

Wandering, 27 december 2021

    My day is a mix of good and bad.  I could not sleep last nite.  I did manage a few short hours of sleep.  After lunch I laid down to nap.  After an hour I gave up.  Cannot sleep again.  I gave up.  Maybe tonight will be better!

    I picked up my groceries at 11am today.  JS had asked me to come eat today so JR and I ate lunch out.  A good thing.  My grandson and great grandson were there.  Made for a fun meal.  Great grandson SM had just woke up.  He was just not present.  But soon he woke up and was laughing and waving.  Made my day!

    Now my mood is not good.  No idea why.  Sometimes it is hard to be alone.  Things need to be done and if I hurt they just sit.  I managed to take some trash out.  Need to do some daily.  One trash bin blew over.  The other one had a tiniest amount of mail in it.  Odd it did not blow over too.

    It was supposed to be around 60F today. Ha!  They were wrong. Stayed in the lower 40s.  Really cold later this week.  And chance of snow on saturday.  I am still laughing.  I won't believe until I see it.  A nice thought but it has been ages since we had any type of moisture.  The weather just said where I live has had the warmest December on record.

    Last night I did my eye drops at least twice during the night.  I woke up this morning and I could not see, could not open my eyes and they hurt..  I use individual containers for drops.  I used 2 of them in my eyes and then I sort of felt better.  But now my vision is blurry.  Just always something that is wrong.

    I sat briefly outside after the trash were deposited.  I saw a large bird in the pasture.  I think it could have been a heron.  And the squirrels are up by my house often.  No idea why.  Maybe they feel safe here.

    Been sorting through the photos on my phone.  It is a bigger mess than my house!  I try to post 2 photos daily whether anyone looks at them or not.  I do it for me.  Sort of like my blog.  Few on FB read it.  I could not care.  I write it for me.

    Our earthquakes are increasing.  Had 7 on Christmas Day.  Had 3 yesterday.  They are all about 3 to 4 miles from me.  Someone was just positive they are caused by fracking oil wells. But there are documents showing there are none here. Those wells are further south.  I wish people would actually read and learn things before posting and getting everyone else all upset.  Think many of the wells here are old ones.  But what do I know.  I rarely feel the little ones or when I am sleeping.

    Winter photos today.  None are mine.  Downloaded from a couple of sites that offer photos for free.



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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...