Not as cold today or last night. Had to go to town to get my groceries. Roads were ok in my county but going into the next county is was obvious they had not been treated. They never are.
A couple hours after getting home the grocery store called. They forgot a couple of bags. So I had to go back in. Hardly anything those bags. Never order on a monday after a holiday. Missing several things. I will survive.
I saw the black cat in my drive way. He or she is gorgeous. Think she lives at my neighbours. I have seen a little black kitty here and a gray one. Hope they stay.
Nico is nothing but bad tonight. Somewhere he found an antique post card and chewed it up. Then he had a postal bag. It had a book in it. I could not let him tear up a book!!! It was ugly and he bit my hand but I saved it. Think I know where it was. Not where he should be. And it was not close but he managed to get it. My water spray bottle is now full. I am not in a good mood. Bad enough to be in a sad/bad mood and to have him be bad. I tried to talk to him quietly. Did not work nor did yelling. The older he gets the worse he is.
Sad to see the snow melt. Like it would hurt the world if I had something I could enjoy. More coming mid week but not much. I can hope they are wrong but about this they are always right.
Home alone and only saw grocery store employees. Great day. Not. Hard to have no contact with others.
Photos are of long ago snow. Taken by me except the old car and the sheep photos.
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