Thursday, March 3, 2022

Wandering, 03 march 2022

    Today has been mostly good but a tiny bit less than good.  Supper last night did not make my stomach feel good.  I have to careful what I eat.  Thought I was but I guess not.  And sometimes no matter what I eat I do not feel good.  I have a hernia and gall bladder problems.  So last night I just felt less than good.  And it made sleeping a challenge.  Today I watched what I ate and right now all is ok.    

    Nico is just a hoot.  He is used to sleeping under my blankets.  But the house was still warm so did not use my blanket.  He just could not figure out what to do.  He tried to crawl under me or under my pillow.  He finally just laid down.  But when I got chilly, he was relieved he had a blanket to crawl under.

    Last night I had a brainstorm about Kisse.  She was back in the house at 10pm.  I figured out how she was getting out.  Only one way.  From the dryer air vent.  It is pretty small but she could do it.  Or she tried and gets stuck and takes her all day to escape.  Anyway I blocked it so she cannot get in it.  So today she was home all day.  Good deal.  When she was in last week she looked and acted like teenager who got caught doing something forbidden!  What a scowly look.  She finally got normal again.

    Pretty nice day.  Our high was 67F.  Nico and I sat outside for a while.  We both got some fresh air.  KN was driving around looking for new calves.  Not many cattle where I could see them.  Sort of a lazy day.  Lots of birds flying and talking.  Fun to see and hear.

    As nice as today was there is cold weather coming again. Small chance of rain and snow.  Probably miniscule.  Had a little traffic going by our house.  Usually from the same family.

    Photos are from my excursion outside.  Using a different app so one photo is unique.  And always a sunflower for Ukraine.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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