Thursday, April 21, 2022

21 april, 2022 Wandering

    I had an ok day.  Slept well but still in pain.  Always for me.  Does not help my mood.  Fur kids have been ok.  Even Nico!!  He is a trouble maker sometimes.

    I want to share something I have signed up for called Letters From Afar.  They have different subjects & I signed up for places around the world.  You get a letter from someone traveling.  No one real but it is interesting.

    I just got my first letter from "Isabelle."  The first stop for her was in Cambodia.  I know next to nothing about there.  She wrote a long letter relating all she saw & did.  There was a saying in their language saying "Kindness is true power."  Their language is called Khmer.  I plan to add it to my email to see if anyone can figure it out!  She wrote about silk worms and how silk is made, elephants, temple ruins covered with huge tree roots over them.  The temples are 700 years old.  And so are the trees.  And she added a map of Cambodia.  I am adding a photo of the saying.

    Her second place was Northern Ireland.  She started in Belfast.  The Titanic was built there.  She was there on St. Patrick's Day.  How fun that would be!  She started in a bar and then on the streets for singing, eating, drinking, & parade.  She bought a green sweater to fit in and for good luck. Then she went to the Antrim Coast.  That is special to me.  Antrim is some of my ancestors last name from my father's grandfather's family.  Supposedly we are or were related to a Lord Antrim.  She described the landscape --- rolling hills & castles & the sea.  It is one of the most beautiful places in the world.  She met a huge Irish Wolfhound.  They used to hunt wolves a& were given as gifts to royalty.  She saw Castle Dunluce, a ruin.  And a map.  I can only dream!  Anxious for my next letter!

    While I napped we had some light rain.  Chance for severe weather tonight.  Storms are sort of forming at the present.  One can hope for rain.  I tune out the weatherman when he mentions rain.  No need to listen.  If weather is severe, I have a weather radio and weather apps that will let me know.

    My pasture was full to the brim of cattle most of the day.  Should have taken a photo.  After supper I took Nico out & all the cattle were a huge congregation around the pond.  No idea why?  And they were mooing often.  Hope all is well.  Birds were flying around.  There were 2 geese that flew over honking loudly!!

    My nephew's uncle was over here with 3 dogs.  I did not see this & Nico almost had a stroke when these dogs ran up to him!!!  They are nice dogs but too friendly for Nico.  Then I had him do an errand for me.  Something blew down in the wind & he set it back up.

    My friend MC called here in error.  Nice to hear his voice.  I like him & his wife.

    I been watching the Science Channel shows about Jesus.  Much of what we believe is not true or accurate.  The Bible was written hundreds of years after his time.  There are those who are searching and learning more every day about what the truth could be.  It is interesting.  And of course the major churches would never let the truth be known if there is something other than what they believe.

    Photos are from my Letter from Afar & a sunflower.  Isabelle marked on the maps where she had been to give you an idea where she was.



Kindness is a power.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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