Thursday, May 19, 2022

19 may, 2022 Wandering

    A quiet day.  I ordered groceries but they never got it.  I never got an email with an order number.  It got lost in cyber space.  In a small town you get treated extra special.  They asked what I truly needed.  I got lunch meat and cookies but she remembered what I usually order & asked about different products.  She gathered my order, ran it out & took my credit card to pay & brought it back.  She is a stellar employee and person.  I am glad to call her a friend & glad I shop where I do.  In Salina I would have been SOL.

    Mostly just home alone.  My one grandson sent a text this morning just to tell me "I love you".  Really nice.  When most people ignore me, I had tears.

    Today in the mail was a "letter" from Isabelle who is traveling.  Not a real person but I love the letters & drawings.  This letter she was on the Orient Express from Paris to Istanbul.  And it had a great background story.  A great thing for people who have little contact with real live people.

    This morning it was just dead quiet.  No breeze.  The prairie was calm & only a couple of nearby birds singing.  No cattle in my pasture today.  The pond was clear & calm.  The only downside was the humidity.  Stayed near 50% all day.  Oh, the wood borers are plentiful & disgusting.  They never touch you but just tease.  And you could not spray one no matter how hard you try.  I get tired of hearing their buzzing & just seeing them.

    Speaking of bugs.  The worst of the worst are ticks.  I shudder at the thought.  I took Nico out this afternoon & I never left the porch.  As soon as I came back in I felt something near my eye.  A TICK!!!  I grabbed him and dropped him.  Then my paranoia set in.  Later he reappeared.  Did not drop him this time.  Dropped him in an old pepsi can,  poured thick dish soap in & some water & more soap.  Nico has taken his medicine so he was safe.  Not kisse though.  It picked on me.  Still feel crawling things on me!!

    My red peonies are about done.  But my white one just bloomed.  I got a couple of closeups of it.  And a tiny iris is opening.

    We were supposed to be 90F or higher today.  I saw 87F & almost 50% humidity.  House stayed ok all day.  A cold front is on the way.  Denver has snow forecast.  If they had warned me I would have packed & gone there.  In the mountains they are forecasting 12".  Wow!!  Even far NW Kansas might get snow.  We will be cool tomorrow & cold on saturday.  Maybe rain on monday & tuesday.

    I think I forgot to brag about my RA dr appointment.  The best part was I lost 10 pounds.  I know they say to just lose 10 pounds & you will feel better.  And I do.  I find the steps to the Old Mill basement is easier for me to walk.  And I am not so fatigued.  Whatever I did right, I hope I continue.

    Photos today are just some that I like.  And my white peony.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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