Wednesday, May 18, 2022

18 may, 2022 Wandering

    I had a busy day with good sleep last night.  Had a thunderstorm with some wind but no hail or gale force winds.  My rain gauge had 2" in it.  Hard to believe!

    I hate to get up too early so I sleep as late as I dare to.  Then I rush around to get ready.  Today was not too bad.  I work in the afternoon.

    While getting dressed I had a pill to take.  It started to dissolve in my throat & it hurt.  I had a coughing spell that was not good.  As a result I totally forgot to put on deodorant.  Great!  So a quick stop in Dollar General for deodorant, bandaids & a candy bar.  Now home & I cannot find my bandaids.  I looked in the car & my purse.  Got to be here somewhere.  A mind is the saddest thing to lose.

    Worked at the Old Mill.  It went good except I made 3 errors.  I forgot to change schools so I had to delete some photos in one school & move to the correct school.  Then the last thing I do with a photo is to save it.  There are 2 choices ---- save all or save one.  If you are not speedy enough it will save all.  That happened twice.  I could have cried.  But I got it fixed.

    I picked up JR for supper.  Jalisco's were steady.  No MA so JS was working alone.  But he did visit a little.  And he took time to help me with my Spanish.  That is nice.  Wish we could spend more time together.

    After supper JR & I went to his office to discuss some things.  I was terrified I had done something to upset him.  I am always paranoid.  Even in the best of days.  It was not me!

    Came home & greeted by Cinder.  She let me pet her a lot.  How I wish I could bring her in.  )-:

    Rain out west again.  With weather warnings.  Sort of moving this way.  Was going SE but now more east the last I looked.  See how the night goes.  I have not had time to watch any weather today.

    Photos are a mix.  The car is from a neighbouring town & worth more than I can say.  I was honoured to see it!  The V8 Energy drink is what I drink when I need to not yawn.  It has a great taste & no dangerous drugs in it.  Love it.  And all 3 fur kids in one collage.  Nico was a baby and the cats were today.


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