Monday, June 20, 2022

20 june, 2022 Wandering

    Here we go again.  This is our 10th day in a row of 90F or higher temps.  Plus a couple were over 100F!  Have a good breeze & that helps.  Was out with Nico who worked on his tan while Cinder & I bonded.  Best part of my day at home.

    Be still my beating heart!!! The weatherman just said much cooler weather next weekend!!!  Highs in the 80s!!! Wow!!

    Had a good nap.  And odd I dreamed of my former sister-in-law.  I have not seen her since Willie died.  Where did that dream come from.  Then I thought about when she & I cooked for harvest.  But we are no longer friends & know exactly why she does not like me.

    Thinking of harvest it is a reminder that I have nothing that is to do that is important.  I never thought about how getting older would be.  But after a life of hard work & being needed it is hard now not to be needed.  I am sort of needed at the Mill for one afternoon a week.  And I am needed at the SVAFC when there is no one else to be there.  I love those 2 places but that is not a life.  Just a small corner.  I long for companionship & times with friends.  Hard to adjust to a life with no one in it.  Or very few.  Just some thoughts on life alone.

    Harvest continues.  I saw KN's truck here for fuel but no idea who was driving it.  A couple of kids.  Years ago Willie farmed for a family of friends with his family.  Then for no reason, he got kicked off that wheat land.  Now KN has it back.  I am glad.  Interesting.  Wonder what prompted it?

    I hope people drive slow out here.  Even I slow down.  Lots of old trucks, semis, tractors, & combines.  Would not want to hit one!  Scary!

    No action around here.  All the wheat is cut.  This fall there will be milo harvest behind my house.  Something new for me.

    This week is actually busy.  Two things are good.  I cancelled a doctor's appointment.  I get groceries one day.  I am out of anything I want to eat!!  So is Nico!  He does not get as much as he used to.

    Photos are some from a trip to Denver at a wonderful Mexican restaurant we ate in.  I hope I get back to Denver but am thinking I might not get to go.  I wish there was someone to take me up in the mountains again.  Just one more time, but there is no one.  My uncle always made sure we went in the mountains.  How I miss my uncles & aunts from Denver.

    Also some photos from my farm.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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