Wednesday, June 22, 2022

22 june, 2022 Wandering

    A better day & less stormy.  So far.  It rained for a while last night & today it started raining around 1pm.  And rained most of the afternoon.

    I was surprised that Lindsborg did not get the storm we did.  They had rain but no super strong winds or monsoon rains.  We were on the edge & they just missed it.  A chance again for storms tonight.  So far most of it is to the south.  It can stay there..

    It was mild temps today.  It was 70 to 80s.  A little humid.  Tomorrow back in the 90s.  Ick.

    After the big storm Cinder reappeared.  And she was wet.  Not soaking but wet.  Poor baby.

    Worked today.  I had left a huge mistake 2 weeks ago.  So I started the afternoon fixing it.  I knew there was an easy way but not how to do it.  I did it the long way but it is done.  I am changing something I do to prevent that from happening again.

    JR, PM, & I met for supper.  Jalisco's got busy.  Pretty busy for a midweek day.  Good to see.  Actually saw someone I knew & we chatted.  That is pretty rare for someone who is almost a hermit.  The only person I am seen with is JR.  On rare occasions my grandsons.

    Got a text today to work at the SVAFC again.  I love being there.  Hope I get some great visitors.

    Yesterday while I was out I saw a blue heron by our pond.  Very cool.  We occasionally see one there but they never stay.  I wish one would.

    Photos today are some storm clouds from a couple of years ago.  I love cloud photos.  And one black eyed Susan photo.



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