Friday, September 30, 2022

30 september, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    A really quiet day.  Feeling good except for my blood sugar.  Still over 300.  Worrisome.  But just my problem.  It will work out.

    Cinder was gone all day.  Glad to see her tonight.

    I had planned to sit out with Nico & Cinder tonight.  Got home & opened the car door & a convention of mosquitos covered me.  I was the buffet.  Sheesh.  I soaked me & my clothes in bug repellent to take Nico out.  And I sprayed the front doors.  Helped some.  Killed 3 in the house. Sprayed the sofa where we sit.  We need some really cold weather to kill those suckers.

    We were supposed to be a party of 5 at Jalisco's.  Got there early to get a table.  A favorite artist of mine sat next to us.  He was fun to talk to.

    First we got a text from PM.  He was sick.  My grandson & his gf were to be with us.  Then a text from them they were not going to make it.  Dang.  Just JR & I.  Short night as JR had to get to the HS football match.  I just went home.

    Nice weather today. temps were 63 & 85.  Pleasant.  Colder next week.

    Learned 2 new Spanish things.  We say tamale but in Spanish it is spelled tamal.  No "le" on the end.  Te veo el domingo --- see you sunday.  Something new to say to CT.

    Photos are not mine but all of them are about windows.


Thursday, September 29, 2022

29 september, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Slept well last night.  Nice.  I could have slept all day!!!  But had a hair app't.

    I had called my doctor yesterday but no one called me back.  I got a call this morning.  Someone I did not know.  I gave her my details then she talked to the dr.  She called me back with new insulin orders.  Hope that works.  Time will tell.  It was too late for lunch so I started at supper.  I have never felt bad except when I checked the first time.  Since then I have felt normal.  I might feel ok but I have been shaky with my high blood sugar readings.

    Had my hair app't in Salina.  Always nice.  HP is always caring & fun.  And makes me look good.  And I always get a hug.  Not all his customers do.

    I stopped at Hickory Hut for beef & baked beans.  That was for supper.  Hard to drive home smelling the good food!  Baked beans are the best ever.  Lots of meat in it.

    I had time to just rest & catch my breath until time to eat.  Nico napped near me.

    Watched CNN in Florida.  Beyond scary.  The sad stories.  Did no one evacuate like they were told?  Hope my family is ok  Have not texted in case they have no electricity.

    Got a couple of packages in the mail.  I need to lock Nico up while I open them.  He is a mess.  His nose is in the middle of things.  He steals what he can.  Then makes a mess.

    The nice weather must have given Cinder spring fever!  She was curled up under a chair when I left for my app't.  In the same place when I got home.  Sweet.

    Photos are a mix.  Might explain a couple.


My cousin's kitchen window in Sweden.  Overlooks a meadow in a forest.  And a bit further a river.

My favorite Swedish roll that I never see in Lindsborg.  I had someone make them for me once but they were not the same.

Planting wheat.  How I miss those days.  Photo from years ago.

If it is your birthday & you eat in Jalisco's the entire staff will sing to you.  And JS has a large spoon full of whipped cream to spread on your nose.  It is a Mexican custom that on your birthday your face ends up in your cake.  This is his favorite job!!

I love old photos.  This is a town to the south of Lindsborg.  The other photo I just liked.


Wednesday, September 28, 2022

28 september, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Still great sleeping weather.  Love the cool nights.  Last night was 53F.  The high today was 79F.  Just add some rain now & then it would be perfect.

    Sat outside with Nico this morning.  So nice.  Had a great breeze.  Tonight I was going to sit outside with Nico & I got suddenly covered with mosquitos. Twenty or more!!  Yikes!!!  When I came in & sat down, I quickly killed 3 on me.  Yuck.  Hope that is it.  Hate to sit in the house covered with bug repellent.  Smells so nasty.

    I hope my family is ok in Florida.  I would have left the state 2 weeks ago.  I am not brave.  And swimming is not something I excel at.  Watching CNN.  Showing a fire station.  Water almost half way up on the trucks.  Firemen are wading in deep water.  They cannot drive the trucks but are still trying to help those who need to be helped.  The photos are just awful.  The one reporter was in a parking lot that was originally concrete & full of cars.  Now it is empty of all cars & sand covers all the concrete.  The beach moved from the beach to the lot.

    The mayor of NYC insulted the entire state of Kansas today.  How rude.  It is fine to beat your own drum but no need to slam others when you do not know anything about them.  He thinks he is so special.  He came off as snotty.  Kansas people are much nicer than he is.

    Today was a work day.  So glad to be there.  Nice to see everyone.  I finally got done with the Grasshopper school & started a new one.

    I am not well today.  I feel ok but my blood sugar is scary high.  Over 400.  Why?  Stayed like that over night.  Again, why?  I left work early to call my doctor.  They were to give him or his PA my message.  Never got a call back.  Nice.  I may be looking for a new doctor.  I checked before supper & it came down to a little over 300.  Maybe I am trying to get some kind of illness.  That can screw your sugars up.  But my vital signs have been ok.  I am not happy.  My bestie is worried & not happy either.  He was caring.  Nice for me.

    Supper at Jalisco's.  I skipped ice cream for me.  😧  They were rather slow tonight.  People watching the hurricane?  Strange.

    Photos are of one of my fave places, The Scheme.  Need to go back again.  The best pizza!  And such a nice atmosphere.



Tuesday, September 27, 2022

27 september, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    A quiet & calm day.  Nothing exciting today.  Sleep was a challenge for a while then I slept well.  I rested this afternoon with Nico who napped.  I read.  But I laid in the wrong position & my hip was in too much pain when I got up.  Made it to the bathroom & slathered on some ointment.  Found one called Amish Origins.  It is very good.  In 30 minutes or so I was fine.

    My nephew was supposed to come & look at my back door but he never made it.  With farming something can always come up.  No problem.  My door is going no where.  My door has no outside door knob & I cannot open it.  Scared to try to hard.  Scared it will not close again!

    Great weather.  Our low was 60F & the high was 84F.  Great for sleeping.  Not much change in the next 1-2 weeks.  Basically no chance of rain.  One lake near Wichita is catching all the fish they can to relocate them somewhere where they can survive.  And people can fish with no limits of amount or size.  They have done this before.

    I had planned on eating supper somewhere special tonight but cancelled this morning in case KN was here late.  Good call on my part.  Will try again next week.

    Nico was a brat this afternoon.  He got into something & then bit me when I tried to take it away.  Now he wants me to move so he can lay where I am sitting on the sofa.  Ha.  Nope.  You bit me so you can wait.

    I looked up where my relatives live in Florida.  Yikes!!  I hope they have left for safety.  On the west side where it is supposed to hit.  I am worried.  I hope everyone is safe.  Scary for those who have no way to leave.  They showed what 9 feet of water looks like.  No one can survive that.  Cars & houses will all float away.  Just awful.  It was a weatherman with a video demonstration.

    TV sucks tonight.  Watching some taped things until Colbert is on.  The usual networks are just too boring for me.  Same old crap.  I watch one show that I like.  The others are all just like each other.



Monday, September 26, 2022

26 september, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    A better day.  Think I am caught up on all my missing sleep.  Still some back discomfort but walking is much better.  But sitting here just intensifies my feeling all alone.  Better to be busy when I can be.  Not this week, I guess.  But hopefully I can work.  I sure miss being there.

    The weather is perfect.  Last night we were 49F.  Awesome.  My bedroom was chilly when I went to bed.  Good for sleeping! Our high was 82F.  Nico & I sat outside for a long time.  Just peaceful but we seemed to upset a bluejay!  He cussed us out from a tree by my house for quite a while!!

    Cinder has been gone all day.  Maybe the black cat is around here.  Dang him.  I always worry about her when I cannot see her.

    The hurricane approaching Florida is scary.  I swear if I lived there I would have been gone a couple of weeks ago.  I have relatives there & they will be affected even is not hit.  One of the last states I would move to.  Visit, yes.  Way to humid for me to live there.  And hurricanes.

    I need to find someone new to work on my Mac laptop.  What a poor job my usual group did.  I had a major problem with my printer software.  I wrote it out.  Supposedly they fixed it.  HA.  Made it worse.  I needed a new battery for my laptop.  They must have put in a very old, used one in.  When I start my blog, is almost fully charged.  Not done writing, it is half used.  Withing 5 minutes or so it is empty.  I just keep it plugged in now.  My grandson might be able to replace it.  Will check.  But that place I have always used is out.

    I love autumn & winter.  Photos tonight are wintry photos.  I know it is early but not for me! 




Sunday, September 25, 2022

25 september, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Today is a rerun of yesterday.  I am tired of being sick & missing out on things.  No way to cure my body.  I cancelled lunch today.  No need to almost crawl in.  No one needs to see that.

    I did write to someone who should have cared but it was ignored.  A sweet caring message would sure have made me feel a bit better.

    Nico napped this afternoon while I rested & read.  Nice to have him close.

    Great weather again.  It was in the 50s last night.  Cosy in bed even if not sleep shared the bed with me.  Today we hit 81F.  The highest temp in the next week is 84.  Great week!  No rain though.

    Sat outside for a long time with Nico & Cinder.  Really nice to be out.  No wind & no bugs.  They will be out tonight I am sure.

    I forgot to share.  A couple of nights ago around 3am I took Nico out.  Luckily I had his leash very short.  He went absolutely crazy.  There was a skunk not far away.  OMG!  We could have gotten sprayed.  Might be worse than walking poorly!  I thought he would never calm down.  And she was staring at us.  She finally ran away & Nico took care of business.  A truly awful moment.  She never came up last night.  Smart.  Go away!

    Yesterday in a nearby town was their annual Thunder in the Valley.  It is a motorcycle gathering.  We usually see a few in town here also.  Be fun to be there to see all the bikes.  Wichita had an air show for the first time in 4 years.  Would have been fun just to park near to watch the Thunderbirds fly.  Maybe next year.  I cannot walk so far to actually get in but anywhere close would be good.

    Photos are some of a coffee house I love.  And other things.  The church is in Järvsö Sverige.  It is special.  The pink flowers are called Lady's Thumb.



003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...