Wednesday, September 21, 2022

21 september, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Super day.  Peaceful & cool outside.  Need lots of days like this!  Temps are good.  I think during the night it was in the 80s & then dropped when the cold front arrived here.  Before my rest period it was 77.  Right now it is 59F.  Windy this afternoon & now.  Loving the weather!!!

    Last night there was a flicker in my tree.  A large woodpecker.  Cool to see.  This afternoon I saw a blue heron out by my pond.  Huge wings.

    I think Nico has been preparing for cooler weather.  He is under my blankets more than he is on top.  Adding a second blanket tonight.  And maybe a winter nightgown.  Will be hard to get up tomorrow.

    Today was a work day but the board or someone was using the archive area where I work so I could not go in.  I could go in tomorrow but I already an app't in Salina.  I would barely get there when I would have to leave & then no time to go back.  I am not happy I already had plans.  Phooey.

    Supper was at Jalisco's.  They got sort of busy & lots of takeout meals.  Good conversation.  CT always makes sure to say Hola & Adios.  He is special.  JS was ornery.  He always makes me smile & laugh.  I even got a hug tonight.

    My friend in Morocco video chatted with me a couple of nights ago.  He was walking home.  It was mostly dark.  I like seeing where he lives.  I like seeing him.  We had a nice visit.

    Nico got his yearly shots yesterday.  He was really slow last night.  Sort of like me after my Covid shot or flu shot.  He ate late.  Went out twice to potty & he could not.  He laid close to me & slept.  Today he is normal.

    Photos are some Swedish ones & cloud ones from tonight.  Looks like rain but I am not holding my breath.


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003/2025 Fredag the 14th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Matilda, Maud I know a Maud who lives in Sweden.  Cool lady!!     Had a good day today.  After sleeping good I met...