Sunday, November 27, 2022

27 november, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Another night of little sleep.  But this morning I got some sleep.  And Nico & I took a nice nap.  I have noticed I have lost the Covid tiredness I had until just recently.  Different than my RA fatigue.  The tiredness was overwhelming.  I could take 4 naps a day.  Glad I feel better.  And no more Covid headaches.  Never lasted long but painful.

    JR & I ate lunch at Jalisco's.  They got fairly busy but we did not have to leave early.  I try to keep watch on how many booths are open & how many people waiting.  I even got a nice hug before I left without asking for it.

    60 Minutes is doing a set about dogs.  Nico came from a wolf??  Scary!!  He was extra cuddly today.  Climbed on my lap & laid his head on my shoulder.  He never does that.  It was nice.  The show was interesting & talked a lot about wolves.  Wolves picked to be friendly towards humans & the things they cast off ---- food.  And dogs developed from them.  Interesting.

    Weather was ok.  Thirties overnight & 40s today.  They had forecast chance of snow here on tuesday.  Now it is only in NW Kansas.  We might get 5 flakes or so.  Not enough to get excited about.  The rain we got yesterday was pleasant but did not amount to much of anything.

    RA causes itching/eczema/etc.  Itching is driving me nuts.  I am sure the dry air makes it worse.  My arms are the worst.  Had to get my itch cream during the night.  It is always something.  Story of my life.

    Photos today are of birds in snow.  None are my photos.  And I seem to have more photos of junkos & cardinals.  My two faves.


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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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