Saturday, December 31, 2022

31 December, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Finally, this awful year is over.  One of my worst.  Won't list why, but just awful.  And sometimes hard to see who cares & who does not.

    Slept ok until around 5am.  Then my pain patch on my hip quit working.  OMG!!!  I could barely walk & turning was near impossible.

    JR & I had planned on pizza for supper.  Then I saw that the Happy Swede was open until midnight serving spaghetti & meatballs.  That is where we went.  Good decision.  The staff was very nice & took good care of us.  The food was really good.  I brought some home.  And we ended the meal with mint chocolate ice cream.  Perfect.

     Got home &  2 cats & 1 dog were hungry.  I had fed Cinder & then heard this awful meowing outside.  I yelled out the door & saw nothing.  But Cinder came in.  Did sit by me on the sofa & is now hidden.  At least she is safe.

    My word for last year was Kind.  I am keeping it

for this year & adding Hopeful.  I have not done a resolution in years.  My only resolution is to have no expectations from life or family or people.  Saves me a lot of grief & maybe I get some good surprises.

    I am happy to report that the Gälve Sweden Julbock did not burn down this year.  Very good.  Lindsborg had one two years in a row.  It burned both years.  Set fire by the same person.  Peach of a guy.  We have never tried again.

    Weather was warm again. And tomorrow.  Monday has rain moving in & maybe snow at night.  MAYBE.    

    Photos are NYE & winter.

            Happy New Year & may 2023 be much better for all of us!!!




Friday, December 30, 2022

30 December, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    I had a busy day.  And fun.  Day was fairly warm.

    I sat outside with Cinder & Nico this afternoon.  

Cinder was enjoying the sun so much.  She just ignored me!  She laid & rolled in it!!

    Started the day meeting my grandson CF & his girlfriend AP.  We had a nice lunch at Jalisco's.  Great to spend time with them.  They had a Christmas gift for me.  A bottle of Cabo tequila that was made in Jalisco Mexico.  I am saving it for tomorrow as I welcome the new year alone.  Just with my fur kids.

    Then I went home & took a short nap.  With Nico.  He snuggles on top the blanket the first half of my nap.  Second half he has to be under blanket.  Nice to snuggle.

    Picked up JR for supper at Jalisco's.  In my mail came Christmas gifts for JR & JS.  So now Christmas is officially over.  Great.  Supper was good.

    I had to guard my bottle of Tequila at noon.  All the help thought it was for them.  They were still asking about it at supper!!  I assured them it was hidden at home.  Guarded by Nico!!

    When I was out early this morning it was gorgeous.  All foggy with frost every where.  Tomorrow I carry my phone.  Needed a photo of it.

    So far no extra cats here.  Hope that lasts.  They are trouble makers.

    Photos are winter ones. 


Thursday, December 29, 2022

29 December, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Had an eventful day.  The best day!  Weather was mild.  Stayed too warm last night with a little breeze.  Today was ok.  Had up to 5 inches of snow in the NW of Kansas.  Dang.  Should have taken a road trip there!!!  We have a chance for rain or snow on Monday.

    My nephew, KN & his uncle, TJ came to fix my water heater.  This is a long going saga.  Not a happy one.  It leaked in my bedroom & hall.  Ruined carpet, etc.  Someone came out to stop the leak.  That was as far as he went.  Then a hot water heater was bought.  That is another saga.  But it was never installed.  Got installed but no electricity.  TJ is an electrician so today after a lot of figuring & getting a new part, I have hot water.  Those 2 are the best!!!  Washing my hair in hot water on saturday.  It is freshly washed now.  I can wait!!

    While work on the water heater was taking place the fur kids were in the bedroom.  And Nico barely barked.  But he knows KN so he was not so worried.  At some point I looked out the window.  I saw TJ walking outside with what looked like Nico!!  I got so panicked I checked the bedroom.  Nico was there.  TJ has a chihuahua too & they sort of look alike.  We laughed!!

    After having 2 extra cats here who chased Cinder away, yesterday & today were so nice.  Cinder came back home around 9pm last night.  And stayed home today.  The black cat is ok but the old orange one is a trouble maker.  (update.  Both male cats were fighting on the porch.  Nico got scared & jumped.  I yelled at them so they ran.)

    I have a young man I am friends with in Bangledesh.  We have been friends for years.  He is now working & living on his own.  He calls me Mom.  I asked why but I still am clueless.  Maybe a term of respect.  He has a family & mother.  We texted an extra long time tonight.  Nice to hear from him.

    Pretty much a quiet day.  Winter photos again.  None are mine.



Wednesday, December 28, 2022

28 December, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Had a day off from work.  My boss is out of town today so I stayed home.  With my luck I would not remember how to get to where I need to be on the computer.  Especially the new work I was doing.

    I slept pretty good last night.  Little pain.  I saw these large knee pads or supports advertised.  They are green & stick on.  I ordered some & put one on today before supper.  I am so surprised.  My knee feels great & no pain.  I can walk good.  My hip hurts.  Wonder what one would do there?  I will give that a try!  What could it hurt?

    JR & I ate at Jalisco's.  They were sort of quiet then it filled up.  Big football game on TV.  Lots of large take out orders were carried out the front door!!  Good for them!!  Great to see all my friends there.  

    I ordered some groceries this morning but god forbid one could get all they order.  So tonite I sent JR in to get me drinks & sour cream.

    It stayed in the 40s all last night which is way to warm.  But I was chilly.  Odd.  Today we were in the 50s.  Had super strong winds during the night.  Awful.  Today was ok.

    One of my friends who said he was going to leave is for sure leaving in a month.  I find it hard to get too upset.  I want him to be happy & I am just used to losing things important to me.  I will still be alone but without him to have my back.  I will survive.

    Cinder was here last night but the other 2 cats drove her away.  Not here today & now.  Why do i have to lose her too?  Just not fair.

    Photos are more wintry ones.  We may not have snow here but at least I can enjoy photos of it.


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

27 December, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    It got cold last night but we were at 44F today.  I drove to town & it was so icy in town.  Out of town was fine.  Getting to my car from my porch steps was scary.  When I got to Jalisco's JS came out to help me get to the sidewalk.  Very icy.  Nice of him.  Tomorrow we are in the 50s.

    I met my nephew KN for lunch.  I had some paper work he helped me with & he paid me for renting my land.  I have a small wheat patch & a small part of a pasture.  It was nice to see him & we had a nice visit.  He is coming over this week with his uncle to do some electrical work for me.  I am hoping they can fix what I need.  And my front doors need some work & they will look at them.  Cannot buy a new door because they do not make that size anymore.  Nice.

    Great to see my Jalisco friends.  Such nice people.  Like them all.  It is rare they hire someone I do not like.  It has happened though.

    Tried to nap but could not.  Just rested.

    Cinder was gone over night.  I am sure it was because of the black cat.  I fed her when she got home & then this orange cat stole it.  And I was outside!  He even let me pet him.  He is rough looking.  Poor baby.  Hope they do not chase her away.  I may have to sit right next to her while she eats.  Dang them.

    Nico twisted his leg a couple of weeks ago on the steps.  He yelped so I knew it.  Today it bothered him.  He acted like he did not feel good for a while.  Tonight he is ok.

    Photos are snowy ones.  None are mine.



Monday, December 26, 2022

26 December, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Today is a busy day.  It is Boxing Day, St. Stephen's Day, & the first day of Kwanzaa.  In Sweden it is also Annandag Jul.  In my town we have a church service with singing in Swedish.  I think it was cancelled today due to the parking lot covered in ice.

    I left my "family Christmas dinner" when it started raining around 630pm.  It was not freezing then & the roads were not slick yet.  Changed quickly after that.  From my car to the steps at home is concrete & that was slick.  I crept.  Took Nico out then & he hit that ice & his legs went in 4 different ways!!  Did not faze him at all!  The rain did not last all night but it was still slick today.  Glad I stayed home.

    Winds for most of the week forecast but temps in the 40s to 50s.  I can maybe actually turn my faucets off for a while!

    Last night it was too warm for a while then cold.  I was not comfy in bed.  And I was restless.  I finally moved to the sofa.  Why that is better I do not know.  A long afternoon nap & then I felt better.

    I finished my Christmas dinner leftovers for lunch today.  That wrap is just the best.  BBQ chicken & bacon wrap.  Will buy it again!

    The high point of my day was shampooing my hair.  I got some new shampoo & I have been anxious to try.

    Have been trying to feed Cinder but the black cat was here.  Then a possum was on the porch looking for food.  None there.  I called to her when Nico went out but she did not come.  Probably will later.

    Found out last night that 2 friends are moving away.  I want them to be happy but I will be devastated.  I mostly have no friends & this makes it worse.  I should be used to losing.  But will try to be positive & grieve in private.

    Photos tonight are snowy ones.  We still have some snow here but soon to disappear.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...