Finally, this awful year is over. One of my worst. Won't list why, but just awful. And sometimes hard to see who cares & who does not.
Slept ok until around 5am. Then my pain patch on my hip quit working. OMG!!! I could barely walk & turning was near impossible.
JR & I had planned on pizza for supper. Then I saw that the Happy Swede was open until midnight serving spaghetti & meatballs. That is where we went. Good decision. The staff was very nice & took good care of us. The food was really good. I brought some home. And we ended the meal with mint chocolate ice cream. Perfect.
Got home & 2 cats & 1 dog were hungry. I had fed Cinder & then heard this awful meowing outside. I yelled out the door & saw nothing. But Cinder came in. Did sit by me on the sofa & is now hidden. At least she is safe.
My word for last year was Kind. I am keeping it
for this year & adding Hopeful. I have not done a resolution in years. My only resolution is to have no expectations from life or family or people. Saves me a lot of grief & maybe I get some good surprises.
I am happy to report that the Gälve Sweden Julbock did not burn down this year. Very good. Lindsborg had one two years in a row. It burned both years. Set fire by the same person. Peach of a guy. We have never tried again.
Weather was warm again. And tomorrow. Monday has rain moving in & maybe snow at night. MAYBE.
Photos are NYE & winter.
Happy New Year & may 2023 be much better for all of us!!!