Monday, December 26, 2022

26 December, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Today is a busy day.  It is Boxing Day, St. Stephen's Day, & the first day of Kwanzaa.  In Sweden it is also Annandag Jul.  In my town we have a church service with singing in Swedish.  I think it was cancelled today due to the parking lot covered in ice.

    I left my "family Christmas dinner" when it started raining around 630pm.  It was not freezing then & the roads were not slick yet.  Changed quickly after that.  From my car to the steps at home is concrete & that was slick.  I crept.  Took Nico out then & he hit that ice & his legs went in 4 different ways!!  Did not faze him at all!  The rain did not last all night but it was still slick today.  Glad I stayed home.

    Winds for most of the week forecast but temps in the 40s to 50s.  I can maybe actually turn my faucets off for a while!

    Last night it was too warm for a while then cold.  I was not comfy in bed.  And I was restless.  I finally moved to the sofa.  Why that is better I do not know.  A long afternoon nap & then I felt better.

    I finished my Christmas dinner leftovers for lunch today.  That wrap is just the best.  BBQ chicken & bacon wrap.  Will buy it again!

    The high point of my day was shampooing my hair.  I got some new shampoo & I have been anxious to try.

    Have been trying to feed Cinder but the black cat was here.  Then a possum was on the porch looking for food.  None there.  I called to her when Nico went out but she did not come.  Probably will later.

    Found out last night that 2 friends are moving away.  I want them to be happy but I will be devastated.  I mostly have no friends & this makes it worse.  I should be used to losing.  But will try to be positive & grieve in private.

    Photos tonight are snowy ones.  We still have some snow here but soon to disappear.


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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...