Monday, December 19, 2022

19 December, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    A quiet day & not too cold.  Soon to end.  We are in a winter storm watch from wednesday evening through thursday afternoon.  And a wind chill watch from late wednesday through friday morning. Wind chill can reach as low as -40 (40 below zero).  We can get 2 inches of snow & blowing snow.  I am homebound from wednesday night to sunday morning.  Be far too cold to be out on the roads.  The highs get not too far from 1F.  Be my luck between town & home my car engine would freeze.  And there I would sit.  Better to stay home.

    I made a run to town to go to the bank.  Then I was early for my next stop so I just sat on Main Street & watched people & traffic.  It was peaceful.  I needed a moment of peace.  Don't always get it at home.  (Only had to get up twice so far while writing tonight.  So far.)  I could have went somewhere for coffee but quiet was nice.

    Picked up JR & we went to eat supper.  Stopped at the Crown & Rye.  I wanted Swedish pancakes.  They were very good.  But mine are better.  Mine should be.  I have made them for 50 years!!  No recipe.  I just do what Mom & Dad did.  My grandson wanted my recipe so I tried to describe what I do & how much I thought things were.  He made them the other night & said they were really good.  I always made a large bowl full so I had batter for 3 days.  One day was never enough!!  We always put butter & sugar on ours & rolled them up.

    Then JR got some groceries for me & him.  Hope mine last through the cold days.  Should be ok.

    With the cold temps & high winds have to leave my water dripping & hope the pipes do not freeze.  That is awful.  Makes me nervous just to think of it.

    Have yet to go look at Christmas lights.  Maybe after Christmas.  My heart is not in it this year.  Missing Mom & Willie too much.  And the lack of family to be with or friends to be with makes it worse.  But it is my life.  Do not see it changing.  I tried to make a new friend but we did not click.  I have acquaintances but they all have family & friends.  I do not fit anywhere.

    Photos are just Christmas.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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