Thursday, January 12, 2023

12 January, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    We actually got the weather that they forecast!  I love it!!  It rained around 8pm or so.   Nothing heavy.  I could softly hear it.  We had strong winds of 28 mph with gusts around 38 mph.  Luckily it was from the north so I could hear it but not feel it thanks to a tree line north of my house.  

    Snow started around 11-ish.  The trees looked icy.  I think they were.  My electricity flickered once.  Then it was off for less than 1 minute.  I was so worried about my heat when that happened.  It was normal all night & today.

    Middle of the night Cinder insisted on going outside.  Maybe she was too warm in here.  She has lots of fur!!  She slept in bed with me until then.  I even got up to see if she changed her mind.  But she was gone.  She turned up this morning for a while.

    There was a special moment today when Kisse & Cinder rubbed noses.  No hissing.  Hopeful.

    I got photos before it had melted much. We got down to 30F, not very cold.  I got pictures at 32F.  Finally some pretty snow.  Those are my photos today.  Plus the assistant I had!!

    I was supposed to get a new, bigger water heater today but did not happen with the weather.  I won't ask for when next.  Depends on what is going on.  Water heater or not, must shampoo tomorrow.  Cannot wait longer.

    I am watching Ghost Adventures: House Calls. They are in Marquette Kansas. What a surprise!! Fun to see their videos of the city. I do not recognize names or faces. They talked about the tornado in 1905 that destroyed much of the town. Interesting.

    I just rested today.  Pain in my hip tonight.  Hope I can sleep.



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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Photo of the Lindsborg High School basketball team in March 11, 1966 when we won the state tourny in Emporia KS.  The tall young man in th...