Friday, March 31, 2023

31 march, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    It was not a quiet day today!!!   My nephew was moving dirt from my pasture to his yard.  On his last trip he drove the truck to his home.  But his little son, CN, drove the huge earth mover!!  CN almost came to a complete stop to make sure I saw him waving at me & that I waved to him.  He is a cutie.  KN & I texted about him & how much he ornery like Willie!!  It was the best part of Willie.  He never out grew it!  I had some tears then & now talking about the good part of Willie.  Breaks my heart.

    After lunch I was outside & there was a baby calf with its mom. They were walking in the 40 plus winds.  Poor baby was almost lifted off the ground!

    I tried to nap but Nico just had to run over me to the bedroom each time the truck drove by the house.  No nap or rest.  No problem.  I mulled over memories & turned to my phone.

    Today in town is a huge festival ---- the Jazz Walk.  Tons of people & a zydeco band & other music.  I  would have loved to heard them.  But I cannot walk far.  I need to sit.  And I have no one to help me be there & carry a chair also.  So I just came home.  No one there missed me.  Such is life.  Tears  again.

    Town was so crowded & not one parking place so supper was at Pizza Hut.  I had my favorite beef, bacon, & extra cheese pizza.  And an added plus was a take home order of Cinnabons.  They are too good for words.  First time I have had them.  Will not be my last.  JR had a sandwich with fries.  We had never had fries at Pizza Hut.  Extra good.  I could just live on them!  All in all a good meal.

    Nico started his being into everything like usual tonite.  I was ready to put the baby gate up in the hallway.  But he wanted a treat & then he has snuggled up.  His head is on his Baby stuffed animal.  Hope it lasts.

    Bad bad weather stuff today.  Tornados east of us.  I know there was one in Iowa.  Then I texted JS & he said they were IN a bad tornado!!  I have been full of worry.  He did not answer when I wrote & the radar there looked awful.  He lives outside of Little Rock.  Videos from there are awful!!!  Finally I got a text & he said they are ok.  What a relief.

    Then here in Kansas, SW of us were 6 fires.  SIX!!  Every time they would get one out it would restart!  When I left home this afternoon I saw a huge black --- BLACK --- clouds that way.  I assume we could see smoke here.  Must have been one area restarting.  Got better after that.

    Tomorrow will be calm.  Actually calm out now.  Nico, Cinder, & I sat out for a while tonight.  They ran & chased & played.  Good for them.  Lots of cattle for me to look at.  That is my first photo tonight.  Tomorrow is trash day while calm.

    Photos are from my memories.  Some I took.  The church is in Sweden.  Been to it several times.


Thursday, March 30, 2023

30 march, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    No excitement today.  I declared it a Jammie Day.  Nice to do nada & rest.  And not a day to be outside.  We had super high winds.  I went out once & the winds had to be 60mph!  Hard to open the door or walk.  I had no interest to sit out for long.  At least the way it blows from makes it quiet in the house.

    I had a package delivered this afternoon & it blew off the porch.  Almost lost it!!!

    We are in a fire warning but our humidity was high today which helps stop fire.  Tomorrow we are in low humidity so fire is more of a danger.  There is always someone stupid enough to start a fire or throw a cigaret out a car window.  Nothing today.

    There was a program at the Old Mill tonight & they streamed it.  I watched it & enjoyed it.  A speaker talking about world fairs.  We have a building at the Mill from a world fair.  It is from Sweden & rebuilt in the US & then rebuilt in Lindsborg.  We are so lucky.

    Photos today are from on of my fave sunflower groups.  No sunflowers here yet.  Far too early.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

29 march, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Very warm out today, but chilly last night.  Dreading summer heat & humidity already.  And today a sure sign of summer in Lindsborg is that the turkey vultures have returned.  Have not seen any out on my farm yet, but soon.

    Great weather tomorrow.  Not.  High winds & fire warning.  Love it.  Cannot get rain but we can get wind & fire warnings.

    Worked at the Old Mill this afternoon.  Back to working on the one room school houses.  Got one long school done & a couple of short ones.  Really enjoy the photos.

    JR & I had supper at Jalisco's.  Sort of busy.  I ate too much.  Saw an old friend there.  We had not seen each other for a really long time.  Nice moment.

    Got home & Nico in his usual evening get into everything not nailed down.  Tiring.  He found package of Cheetos.  Most of them were gone but he snarfed them down & promptly got on the sofa to puke.  Made my day.  Stupid dog.

    I have sat outside 3 times with Nico & Cinder.  Cinder climbed up a tree.  The look on Nico's face!!  He was dumbfounded that she was in a tree!!  Then Cinder jumped on the carport roof & then jumped on my car.  Nico again could not believe his eyes!!  Then she slid down my front window & left foot prints.

    Photos are just a mix of things I like.  Nothing special.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

28 march, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Another good day but just at home with no visitors or texts.  Normal.  But my young great nephew zoomed through the pasture checking cattle for his dad!  He is a hoot!

    Last night was interesting.  Went out middle of the night to see the carport cement all wet from rain.  Must have got an entire tenth of an inch.  Got up early this morning & the ground was white with snow.  Had to be another tenth of an inch on the grass.  Was pretty to see but worthless.  Does nothing for our drought.  Big storm coming to California & then our way.  But no.  It will miss Kansas & head for further east of us.  How does that happen to jump over an entire state?

    Two places I do business with online have offered me to opt out of Mother's Day stuff.  I am grateful.  I prefer to forget I am a mother.  Not easy having kids who hate you for what they did.  Grandma is fine but not motherhood.  Too painful.

    Photos are just a collection of older photos.  Just fun stuff.  The cute little girl is me.  I used to be cute!!!  Great photo.  Before karma started haunting me in a few years.


Monday, March 27, 2023

27 march, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Had a fun day.  My friend LL & I made a road trip for lunch & to buy products for the Old Mill gift shop.

    We drove to Moundridge KS. with plans to have pizza in a new place called The Hub.  But.  Unknown to us, the kitchen is not open on Sunday & Monday.  Then it is just a coffee shop.  Looks great but no pizza.

    We walked down the block to a place called El Paso, a Mexican restaurant.  Their menu is the size of a book!  With my touchy tummy I chose small.  Want to return when I am driving & can feel bad if needed.  They were super busy.  The service was not as good as it should have been.  Food was good.

    Then we drove just outside of town to a retirement village.  Really nice homes.  The lady we met was very nice.  She had boxes of wheat weaving things.  Wow!!  I cannot imagine making them all!!  LL picked out the ones she wants for our festival called Mill Fest.  During that time the Mill is turned on but no wheat goes through it.  Too much work to clean up.  It is about 3 stories & a basement.  People can tour whether it is running or not.  No children allowed in when running.  Too dangerous.  We will be back for more wheat weavings that are Christmas themed later.

    I plan a road trip back to Moundridge myself.  There are 2 museums, great old buildings, & a wonderful old church.  Lots of photos to take!!!

    I got a short nap at home but Nico was a terror tonight.  He was in to everything after supper.  Weather?  He would not listen at all.

    On sundays on CNN at 9pm there is a new show about Mexico.  I think it stars Eva Longoria.  She lives in Mexico City.  It was so interesting.  I am a picky eater, but there were several dishes I would try.  Interesting.

    Shared photos with JS of today & chatted a bit.  Those are my photos today.  The first photo was in my pasture.  My nephew was hauling out for a project at his home.


Sunday, March 26, 2023

26 march, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments


    Today is Nico's 7th birthday.  Diet or no diet for him, he got extra cookies & some of my burrito.  We got him soon after he was born.  Seems like yesterday.  Willie did not want him but my mental health needed him.  They became really close.  Took Nico 2 weeks to get over missing Willie.  So sad.
    Another quiet day at home.  I was supposed to work today but cancelled.  They got a much better host than me.  Seems like the more I am home alone the more I want to do just that.  I have a list of things I would love to do but I need someone to go with me.  Unfortunately there is no one who will help me.  When I did not have money I could do anything then.  Now I have money & am unable to do things since there is no one who can or wants to go with me.  Just given up.

    Stayed cool today.  Cloudy with no wind.  Sat outside for a while with Nico & Cinder.  She napped outside today.

    Got lots of photos from JS today but no texting.  He was far too busy.  His partner got the floor I always wanted.  I no longer want it.  Looks really nice where he lives.  Hoping all is good there.

    Chance of rain/snow tomorrow.  I no longer believe the weather people when they say that.  What happens, happens.  No expectations.

    No special photos today.  Just ones I like.


Saturday, March 25, 2023

25 march, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Not much to write today.  Mostly rested.  Things I wanted to do but no energy.

    Sat outside with Cinder & Nico twice.  She went nuts.  Must be spring fever.  Nico played with her.

    It got warm but a new front & cooler weather is coming.  It was damp outside.  I saw no rain.  Maybe on monday.

    Photos are a mix of things.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...