Wednesday, May 3, 2023

03 may, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Today was a Jammie Day.  I did not go to work today.  Still feeling off from supper last night.  But better by supper tonight.  I hate to miss work.  Really now that I am doing photos from Lindsborg.  Those are fun!  People & places I know!

    Nice weather today. High was 79.9F with a low of 33.8F.  House got too warm so I turned on the AC.  Livable now.

    Spent time outside with Nico & Cinder.  Just pleasant.  Helps not to have high humidity & gale force winds.  But to get some rain, we need high humidity.

    I took some photos of plants & kids.  In the crack in the concrete is a tiny plant that is usually 10'' tall with flowers.  This one is 2'' tall with the tiniest flower.  I got a photo of it.  Sharing today.  The gravel is bigger than the flower.

    With the writers/producers strike in Hollywood it sure will change what one can see on TV.  All late night talk shows are gone.  I miss one in particular.  My daytime soaps are still on.  They film ahead which helps, but they think some might make it.  One can hope.  I rarely watch the usual network evening shows.  I gave up on them during the pandemic.  And do not like them now.  All the same.  I find other shows.  Even some where I can learn something.  Or movies.

    Tried to call JS but no answer.  Maybe sleeping.  Wanted to get info on SM.  Saw he was at the doctor.  Try again tomorrow.

    Photos are a mix of ones I have taken or edited.  The first is my tiny flower.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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