Sunday, May 7, 2023

07 may, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Yay!!!  I  slept all night!!  Feel so much better.  Took a pill & kept the house cool.  Sure helps!  Took a short nap too.

    Far too hot.  Hotter than yesterday.  Our temps were 96.4F & 65.8F.  Hate it.  And if the moths were not bad enough, I saw the first june bug.  They are just evil.  I have a big fear of  one getting in my hair.  Will keep the porch dark.  For my safety.

    When I got home tonight there was a turkey vulture on my light pole.  Good to see him.  Anytime Nico & I are outside during the day several of them fly over checking on us.  Cool.  Hoping we are dead???

    JR & I went to Pizza Hut for supper.  My grandson CF met us there.  I added our photo tonight!  Great to see him.  Must do it more often.  Good to hear he has a girlfriend again.  Novia in spanish.  Love the pizza.  Our fave waitress is home now.  See her in a couple of months when she comes back to college.

    Photos tonight are mostly from Sweden.  Just in a Swedish mood.  I would do almost anything to return to Sweden.  It is home.  I miss being there deep in my heart.  Town of Järvsö.  Love it there.  My great grandmother is from that area.  Still havw relatives there.  Love the church there.  Great to visit & attend.  Moving.  One thing I really miss not having here is their ice cream.  Hundreds of times better than any here.  They use no chemicals.  And the second thing is lighting a candle for whoever or whatever you want.  I want to do that sometimes.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...