Monday, October 16, 2023

16 october, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Feral Cat Day
(both of my cats were feral cats)

Name Day is Finn

    What a day!!  Did not sleep much so I slept today.  And there were dozens of people here!  So Nico barked!  Two mail deliveries, 2 four wheelers, large load of bulls put in the pasture, etc.  I had a delivery I thought I needed to sign for.  But I made an error in my order.  Now fixed & will come later this week.
    I ordered a mask for Nico so I do not get bit.  What a joke that was.  A piece of crap.  No way I could ever get it on him.  Cheap crap.  I had another idea so I tried that.  That was a major error.  I got bit so bad.  Won't say more.  Called my vet.  She would not even talk to me.  The mask they use is awesome but they do not sell anything so nice.  Told me to just walk around Salina looking for what I want.  I was crying when I called & no one sounded very caring.  Ordered one from Amazon.  Hopefully it will work.  Nice to get some support when I needed it.  Ha.
    Trash tomorrow.  I have a ton of boxes that I have not been able to trash due to wind.  Today I moved my bins to either side of a tree.  I piled the boxes in between them. They are tightly packed in. One bin is all trash, the other smaller boxes.  Feels good.  Might have a little wind but hopefully not strong.
    I had a class reunion last saturday night.  But after working & with the stress I have, I just went home.  The group who helps plan these all hear from many classmates, but I hear from no one.  When we graduated, I lost all my friends.  They went their way & I got married.  And forgotten.  Oh well.  One classmate called & said I was missed.  I do not feel missed.  Hope I feel better when we have another one so maybe I can go.
    Photos today are autumn themed.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...