Saturday, October 21, 2023

21 october, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

Back to the Future Day

Today's Name Day is Birger

    I am glad to be back!!  I got super sick on Thursday night.  I truly do not remember being that sick ever in my life.  I could not even manage to take Nico out.  I knew I could not get to the door without being sick.  I had to cancel Friday at the SVAFC.  That hurt.  I slept most of yesterday & managed to eat one slice of bread.  Today is much better.  Had a real lunch.  See how that goes.
    I have sort of decided my illness was a reaction to a medication I am on.  It has not bothered me before but now scared to take it.  A friend started on the same med & got very ill when she took it.  I will wait & try half a dose.  Hate to stop it as it has help my diabetes.
    Weather has been too warm.  Yesterday we hit 90F.  Usch.  If we had made 91 that would have broken a 1921 record.  We are only at 76 today.  Much better.  Stays sort of warm until mid week when we have chances for rain.
    The prairie grasses are turning more sand colored.  From the drought.  There are different shades.  One spot in the pasture is very tall.  I can see birds flying away from the pond.  Cannot see what they are.  Usually see the snowbirds around now but none yet.  I really want to feed the birds again, but not sure I can.  Dang it!!
    Still working on my new laptop.  I finally got Firefox loaded where JS is.  It never goes well.  It never accepts my passwords.  Always have to change.  Still learning how things work.  But have my keyboard set to Swedish.  Had to google how to.  Easy but things are different.
    Cannot get FB to work on this laptop.  I do not want to start over.  I have written FB but no answer.  Nice.  I will wait & see.
    Still not sure how to add photos.  I can but not like I used to.  Learning.  Photos today are a mix.  Just added what I had.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...