Thursday, October 19, 2023

18 october, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

 Today's Name Day is Tore 

    A good but so frustrating day!! Sleep was fair.  Got up very early in case my laptop showed up at 9am.  But it came around noon.  I ate lunch first & then the stress started!!

    It wanted me to transfer one laptop to the other, but my old one will not or cannot not. It had never been backed up. I am not so smart! I tried to do a backup & it would not.  I googled & it wanted me to used a disc.  I have not disc drives.  So I decided I would just do it manually.  Well, mostly good but it is all new.  I can not open Safari & open 5 tabs & they will stay.  Have to make a folder with them & open that way.  Maybe can do it the other way but clueless now.

    I cannot add my FB.  It is fine on my old pc but the new one no can do.  I wrote to them to see if they can help.  Ha.  I do not want to start over.  Yikes!!

    And I had trouble getting mail that I sent to it.  Ok now.   And I cannot add my Swedish keybord.  Will google soon.

    I slept a bit this morning but nothing this afternoon.  Hope I sleep tonight. 

    Photos are a mix.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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