Tuesday, October 24, 2023

24 october, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Momentsiwawt

Pick and cook your meal in the outdoors

In September and October, many Swedes go walking in the forest to collect mushrooms, such as chanterelles and ceps, and to pick berries. Thanks to the right of public access, or ‘Allemansrätten’ as we call it, everyone can enjoy Swedish nature, provided they don’t disturb others or damage the area. Through the Edible Country initiative, you can even use your gatherings to prepare a gastronomic meal outdoors, using recipes specially created by renowned Swedish chefs.

 Today's Name Day is Evert

    What a day I had today!!  Another good day!  Amazing!!  Slept fair.  But my power drink from V8 helps.  Nothing harmful in it.  Just tasty.
    I had an appointment in Assaria for an oil change.  Good to see the owner.  He is a nice guy & likes to joke!
    I had thought about going to Salina to Verizon.  But I had talked myself out of going.  Until I got in my car.  Oil change did not take long.  Sooooo off to Salina I went.    I decided on the phone & the watch.  Then to get the best deal.  Problem.  My grandson's phone was a problem.  He is on my account.  And I tried to call him but no answer from him or his fiance. But it all turned out ok.  I got really great discounts, a new rate, & great money back.  Their servers were slow & I have far too much on my phone.  Took forever but I ran an errand & it finished.
    I picked up Arby's for supper.  And I am not happy.  The guy waiting on me was hard to understand.  I ordered a beef sandwich, apple turnover, & Arby's sauce.  Turnover was cherry & no sauce.  It was ok but what was wrong with that guy?
    I had trouble getting FB on my new phone.  I have yet to get it to work on my laptop.  So much stress.  But by hook & crook I finally got it to work on my phone & then my laptop.  I jumped through a lot of hoops!!  Also had trouble getting gmail on my phone but then it worked.  Too much stress.  Had to get my iPad to see things on it.  There was a time period that I couldn't see my FB group!!  But there were no crises on it!!
    Weather was cooler today.  Light shower at home & drove through mist.
    The road I take to Lindsborg is closed for 2 months for work.  So have been driving the back roads.  In the process I have driven but several wheat fields we used to farm.  Brought back memories.  So Willie has been on my mind.  And seeing cattle back here.  Then I got to Verizon.  I had a really nice & patient worker whose name was Willie.  Wonder if my Willie was behind that?!  I really liked him.  He did all he could to get me a good deal.
    Photos today are all from Sweden in autumn.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...