Saturday, November 18, 2023

18 november, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

Occult Day
Unlock the mysteries of Occult Day and explore the ancient secrets, rituals, and beliefs that have been passed down through the ages.

Today's Name Day is Elisabet

    Not a good night.  Nico kept me up too often.  Today was ok.  Calm day with no drama.  I have been at my wits end.  Too much stress & no relief.
    This morning early is was just dead calm.  Not even birds chirping.  The cattle were laying near my yard.  They were so calm & quiet, resting.  The yard is full of leaves.  No pretty colors though.  My poor squirrels have few acorns to store.
    I used my new weighted blanket but I hurt so much I could not enjoy it.  But colder nights are on the way.  My pain spread all over my body.  I am so blessed.  Better today.  Only my hip hurts.
    I want to stay up & watch the Formula 1 race in Vegas.  Not sure I will make it.  No sleep & no nap.  Guess a video will have to do.  Be a fun time to be in Vegas.  I would love some fun times again.
    When our house burned down in 1978 I had a Marilyn Monroe throw.  No idea where I got it or why.  Someone took it & other clothes home to wash.  Several little girls wanted it.  It was so soft.  Well, I still have it.  But it is falling apart.  So I ordered a new one.  Of course nothing like mine.
    Rain starting around 3am.  One can hope.  And much cooler I hope.  House is too warm now.  Need the AC on.
    Photos are seasonal & from my memories.  Many are Christmas photos.  The only Christmas I get.  No family or friend celebrations for me.  I remember my aunt called me one Christmas ---- 3 years after my mom died.  She even had the nerve to say it had JUST occurred to her that JR & I had no where to go to for Christmas.  Gutsy & thoughtless.  I would not go there to save my life.  She had no idea how much that hurt me.  Almost as much as when she screamed at me & insinuated I was a liar.  Gotta love families.  NOT.  Hard enough to lose Mom & Dad, but to be invisible to family  is painful.


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