Monday, February 26, 2024

02/2024 Måndag the 26th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Letter to an Elder Day

Everyone knows that writing is a powerful way to stay connected. If you've ever received an unexpected letter, you know what a pick-me-up it can be. Letter to an Elder Day takes that unexpected gift one step further and delivers that love to the elders in our life or those who may be isolated from others. Even a text would be nice.  Just to know you are not forgotten.

  Today's Name Day: Torgny, Torkel

    Another quiet day.  I was unable to sleep last night.  No idea why.  Need to start taking my anxiety pill nightly.  But Cinder & Kisse were faithful.  I napped after a quick lunch & both cats stayed nearby.

    Got far too hot today.  Almost 80F.  I have officially decided winter ended the first day it started.  We had one brief winter spell but I am sure there will be no more.  I need to just forget about winter & settle for a long sizzling spell now.  My hope is the drought ends so maybe there will be some flowers to photograph.

    My AC is acting weird,  Not quite cold enough but the the living room is good now.  Still too warm in the back of the house.  That is rather normal,  I might have to call to have it looked at.  But a bit cooler weather is coming soon.  Maybe I can wait a bit.

    Cinder does not like my cellphone in bed.  But if I use ear buds or no sound, she tolerates it.  She was pretty good last night.

    This week is all jumbled.  No problems.  And I hope to visit a friend at the end of the week.  See how he feels & what is going on in his life.

    Could see all the cattle near my yard this afternoon.  Nice to see them.  Been a while.  The pond looked quiet today.

    I have been sneezing off & on.  Something is growing here that is bothering me.  It is not a cold but allergies.  Not too bad.  Before our house burned down I had allergies really bad.  Then moving away from here stopped them.  They have never gotten bad again.  I hope.

    Last night I had a meltdown over Nico.  Maybe just because I was feeling extra alone or something.  I missed him so much it actually hurt.  Losing Nico has broken my heart.  Feel there is no one to turn to that cares.  Or can help.

    Photos are a mix. Nothing special.


Nico begging Willie for part of his lunch, usually his cookie!!  Sure miss them both. 💔💔

Family castle in Sweden.  I have visited there twice.  Magical place.  Wish I could go back.  If I just had anyone who would travel with me.

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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...