Friday, April 26, 2024

04/2024 Fredag the 26th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Hairball Awareness Day

My 2 hairballs & their brother

Today's Name Day: Terese, Teresia

    Night & early day could have been better but the rest of the day was good.  Trouble getting comfy all night.  Too much hip pain.  Tired all day.

    Got word a good friend is in the hospital.  I am very worried.  Lots of texting.

    But tonight JR & I went to Lindsborg for supper.  Tried Jalisco's but a HUGE group of people went in & I was sure there was no room for us.  Lots of cars in town & few parking places.  Went back to the Crown & Rye.  Room for us.  I had fried shrimp, French fries, beef & barley soup.  Very good. Then we were going next door to Indigo Moo'd but JR went in & got our ice cream.  We sat on a bench to eat it.  Lots of people in town.  Tomorrow is college graduation.  Plus there is a festival in town about flowers ---- Lindsborg in Bloom.  The town is decorated today in preparation. 

    Sitting outside in the pleasant weather was fun.  Many people were very friendly.  Saying hello & smiling.  More than the locals usually are to me.  There were 3 people who ate where we did & the guy came over to me & told me he really liked my hair.  The 2 ladies he was with complimented me on my hair & my top.  I am not used to that & enjoyed it!!  Saw several friends I do not see often & had some fun talks.

    No storms today.  Just high winds.  Calm tonight.  But storms tomorrow.  After lunch.  Hope not too much.  Far north of us in Nebraska there were several tornados. Videos are scary.  With the severe warnings all the military aircraft have been moved out of Kansas to safety. They do that often.

    Photos today are from where I sat outside near Crown & Rye & Indigo Moo'd


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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...